Tag: social class
Call For Papers | Social Class, Physical Education and Community Sport, Edited Collection (Routledge 2025) | Call ends October 31, 2023
We already have 10 excellent chapters included in the proposal exploring social class using the following: Gramscian theory, Archer’s ‘morphogenic’ approach, Bourdieusian sociology, Eliasian & figurational sociology, grounded theory, Foucauldian approaches, Nel Noddings’ ‘ethics of care’, and Freirian approaches. However, we would like to complement these chapters with 2-4 additional chapters through this open ‘call for papers’.
Call for Papers | “Social Class, Sport, and Physical Activity”, Special Issue of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal | Call ends March 1, 2024
The purpose of this special issue is to explore the link among social class, sport, and physical activity. We seek quantitative, qualitative, and conceptual papers that investigate the ways that wealth, social class background, and power intersect to influence the opportunities people have to consume sport, their chances to be physically active, their experiences as sport consumers, and how they experience work in sport organizations.