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    The future of sport? New anthology prophecies a technological revolution

    Sascha L. Schmidt’s edited collection 21st Century Sports: How Technologies Will Change Sports in the Digital Age (Springer) outlines the effects that technology-induced change will have on sport within the next five to ten years. A collective of sport sociologists at Nord University, Norway has read the book as a book group, bringing many various experiences and perspectives into a rich review highlighting the book’s strong points as well as its weaknesses, one of which is a paucity of critical perspectives throughout.

    En vigtig og anbefalelsesværdig bog, rig på viden og interessante cases

    Søren Bennike recenserar Sport Management: Del 1. Idrottens organisationer i en svensk kontext, en antologi sammanställd av Åsa Bäckström, Karin Book, Bo Carlsson & PG Fahlström (SISU Idrottsböcker). Vår recensent, som fortfarande väntar på en forskningsbaserad dansk introduktionsbok om sport management, uppskattar denna första del och ser fram emot de kommande två delarna.