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    Tag: Mark B. Andersen

    The Sport Psychologist, Volume 38, 2024, Issue 1

    TSP is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. The Forum Editor’s choice from the current issue: A Penny for Your Thoughts: Athletes’ and Trainee Sport Psychologists’ Internal Dialogue During Consultations by David Tod, Hayley E. McEwan, Amy E. Whitehead, Daryl Marchant.

    Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, Volume 11, 2020, Issue 4

    The aim of the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is to provide psychology practitioners involved in the sport industry with sound information that is immediately applicable to their work. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: IDENTITY AND CULTURAL TRANSITION: LESSONS TO LEARN FROM A NEGATIVE CASE ANALYSIS by Natalia B. Stambulova & Tatiana V. Ryba (Open Access).

    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 17, 2019, Issue 6

    The International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP) publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication.

    The Sport Psychologist, Volume 32, 2018, Issue 2

    The Sport Psychologist is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. A special emphasis of the journal is on the delivery of psychological services to practitioners such as athletes and coaches.

    Komplex och mångfacetterad handbok

    Karin Weman (f. Josefsson) Högskolan i Halmstad The Routledge Handbook of Applied Sport Psychology is a definitive guide to the theory and practice of applied sport psychology. Så ödmjukt beskriver förlaget självt sin bok. Dock måste jag erkänna att jag delvis är böjd att hålla med. Givetvis räcker det inte att läsa en bok för att bli en bra praktiker, men om man bara...
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