Tag: Leslee Fisher
The Sport Psychologist, Volume 34, 2020, Issue 3
TSP is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE BIRTH OF THE STARS: A PARTICIPATORY AND APPRECIATIVE ACTION AND REFLECTION INVESTIGATION INTO THE LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW SUPERLEAGUE NETBALL CLUB by Anita Navin, Don Vinson, Alison Croad, Jennifer Turnnidge, Jean Côté.
The Sport Psychologist, Volume 32, 2018, Issue 4
The Sport Psychologist is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. A special emphasis of the journal is on the delivery of psychological services to practitioners such as athletes and coaches.
An international perspective on the past, present, and future of sport psychology
Andreas Stenling har read the Routledge International Handbook of Sport Psychology, edited by Robert J. Schinke, Kerry R. McGannon and Brett Smith (Routledge). He finds this addition to the pile of sport psychology handbooks already adorning his office desk a welcome supplement, both for its attention to emerging topics in the field and for some exciting prognostications of future developments.