Tag: team sports
Call for Papers | “Contributing to Team Performance in Professional Sports: Applied Mental Performance”, Special Issue of Journal of Sport Psychology in Action | Call ends October 31, 2022
The articles to be published in this special of JSPA are to be grounded in relevant theory and research, presented in a manner that can be understood and used by practitioners, and depict applications that have actually been implemented with one or more professional teams. The articles are expected to provide guidance that will be valuable to practitioners who are involved with professional teams as well as to those who have interests in working at the professional level.
Vacancy | Post Doc position in sport coaching and learning in team ball sports at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. Closing date September 20, 2017
The Department of coaching and psychology has a vacant three-year postdoc fellowship in the field of sport coaching and learning in team ball sports. The predefined postdoc project aims to establish a cohort of players within a Scandinavian team ball sports that will be followed throughout adolescence and senior years to identify and compare different sport participation outcomes.
Pär Rylander disputerar: Tränares makt över spelare i lagidrotter – sett ur French och Ravens maktbasteori
Pär Rylander disputerar vid Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, fredagen den 7 novemeber klockan 13.00, i Pedagogen Hus C, Margareta Hvitfeldts sal, på avhandlingen Tränares makt över spelare i lagidrotter – sett ur French och Ravens maktbasteori.
Tränaren spelar en central roll inom idrotten och antas bland annat ha stor betydelse för spelares prestationer och upplevelser av sitt idrottande. Trots detta är...
Call for Contributions: Sport development and women’s sport symposium, Canada, June 2015
Women Deliver, a global organization bringing together partners to advocate for the health and well-being of girls and women, is planning a symposium called Girl Power and Play in June 2015 in Canada on the impact of team sports on girls in the global development context.
This symposium will coincide with the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada and...
PhD course, University of Copenhagen | Team Sports and Health: Psychological and Sociological Perspectives
Dates: 3-7 November 2014.
The aim of the course is to give PhD students more in depth knowledge on newest sport psychological and sociological research related to the topic of team sports and health. Additionally, students will be given the opportunity to present their own PhD projects and to receive feedback on their research both from the other participants as well...
Danska forskare: Lagsporter stärker folkhälsan
Pressmeddelande från Københavns Universitet:
Forskning i holdspil styrker folkesundheden
Københavns Universitet og den samlede danske idrætsverden går sammen i det hidtil største projekt herhjemme med oprettelsen af Center for Holdspil og Sundhed. Det nye center samler forskere inden for idræt og sundhed under et tag. Forskerne skal hjælpe idrætsverdenen, kommuner, virksomheder og private idrætsudøvere med nye metoder og ideer inden for...