Tag: gender identity
Call for Papers | “Constructing and Contesting Gender in Representational Practices of the Sporting Body”, Conference Panel | University of Potsdam, Germany, September 4–6, 2024. Call ends November 17,...
This panel seeks to examine specifically how the representation of sporting bodies throughout the ages has contributed to the development and gendered understanding of particular sports cultures. The panel organisers therefore invite proposals exploring the representation of gender, its construction and/or contestation in a range of representational practices, including but not limited to: art, cinema, journalism, literature marketing, photography, print media, and social media. Proposals exploring any period of history, sport or geographic region are welcome.
Call for Papers | Gender, sport and mega-events | A volume in the Emerald Studies in Sport and Gender series, edited by Katherine Dashper. Call ends July 1, 2019
This edited collection will be the first to draw together critical research on gender, sport and mega-events in one volume in order to enable sustained consideration of many key issues related to this important sporting and cultural phenomenon. The editor is Dr. Katherine Dashper, Reader in the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management at Leeds Beckett University, UK
Call for Book Chapters | Women in Sports: Breaking Barriers, Facing Obstacles
Dr. Adrienne Milner is developing a two-volume book project to be published by ABC-CLIO-Praeger addressing women’s sport involvement in contemporary society. The volume highlights individual sportswomen as well as general empirical trends surrounding women’s sports participation.
Call for Papers | NASSS Conference Session “Gays/Lesbians in Rugby: Tackling the Borders of ‘Straight Sport’” | November 5–7 2015, Santa Fe, NM
The purpose of this paper session is to explore the crossing of boundaries and borders established by heterosexist norms that have traditionally prohibited or limited gay male and females’ potential experiences in sport.