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    Tag: Eivind Å. Skille

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 58, 2023, No. 1

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Sport, gender, and national interest during the Olympics: A comparative analysis of media representations in Central and Eastern Europe by Dunja Antunovic and Sunčica Bartoluci.

    Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Volume 12, 2021

    SSSF, a multidisciplinary social sciences sport studies journal, welcomes articles that deal with sport and social change and social stability in a wide sense, articles about the profound and comprehensive processes affecting sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “I bow down in awe of them…”: Sports awards for Paralympic athletes and Olympic athletes by Marte Bentzen & Kristin Vindhol Evensen.

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 57, 2022, No. 1

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Sport, social inclusion and the logic of assimilation in Prato (Italy) by Francesco Ricatti, Matteo Dutto, and Andrea del Bono.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 3

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Leading and organising national teams: functions of institutional leadership by Per Øystein Hansen, Stiliani Chroni, Eivind Åsrum Skille & Frank Erik Abrahamsen (open access).

    Kroppsøving og idrett i Norge – overlappende men distinktive felt

    Frivillig organiserad sport och skolämnet idrott har nära historiska band i Norge. I denna referentgranskade artikel betraktar Evind Å. Skille och Kjersti Mordal Moen föreningsidrott och skolidrott som två fält i Bourdieus mening, och söker svar på följande fråga: Hur kan sport och skolidrott förstås som överlappande men distinkta fält? För att besvara frågan analyserade forskarna dokumentation inom de två fälten, de statliga läroplanerna för idrottsutbildning, och Norges idrottsförbunds policydokument.

    Physical education and sport in Norway – overlapping but distinctive fields

    In this study by Evind Å. Skille and Kjersti Mordal Moen, organized voluntary sports and school physical education are considered as two fields as described by Bourdieu, in the search for answers to this research question: How can physical education and club sports be understood as overlapping and distinctive fields? In order to answer the question, they analysed documentation in the two fields, the state curricula for physical education and the Norwegian Sports Confederation's sport policy documents.

    Sport in Society, Volume 24, 2021, Issue 6

    Academics in various disciplines are writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘Head coach tenure in college women’s soccer. Do race, gender, and career background matter? by Cornel Nesseler, Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez & Thadeu Gasparetto.

    Aktuell og samfunnsrelevant avhandling som undersøker ledelsen av idrettsanlegg

    På dagen för ett år sedan försvarade Peter Forsberg sin avhandling I idrætsforeningernes tjeneste: En undesøgelse af ledelse af danske idrætsanlæg (Idrættens Analyseinstitut). Forsberg har undersökt ledning och förvaltning av danska idrottsanläggningar i ett historiskt och samtida perspektiv. Eivind Skille var en av ledamöterna i bedömningskommittén, och vi bad honom om en recension. Han konstaterar att området är underbeforskat och väkomnar Forsbergs väl genomföra studie.

    Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Volume 11, 2020

    SSSF, a multidisciplinary social sciences sport studies journal, welcomes articles that deal with sport and social change and social stability in a wide sense, articles about the profound and comprehensive processes affecting sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: National and Organizational Culture in Norwegian Elite Sport: The Account of National Handball Head Coaches by Eivind Å. Skille, Per Øystein Hansen, Frank Abrahamsen & Stiliani “Ani” Chroni.

    European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 20, 2020, Issue 5

    ESMQ publishes articles that contribute to our understanding of sport organizations. The Journal sets out to enhance our understanding of the role of sport management and sport bodies in social life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: GERMAN HANDBALL TV DEMAND: DID IT PAY FOR THE HANDBALL-BUNDESLIGA TO MOVE FROM FREE TO PAY TV? by Henk Erik Meier, Dominik Schreyer & Malte Jetzke.
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