Tag: E. Missy Wright
Kinesiology Review, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 4 | The Future of Higher Education, Work, and Kinesiology (Open Access)
Kinesiology Review is a peer-reviewed publication whose mission ir is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: No One Is on an Island: Connecting, Collaborating, and Coping During the Pandemic by Paul Carpenter, Karen Stylianides, Rebecca Weiler-Timmins, Andrea Randolph-Krisova, Kelly Sprinkle, and Rosa Angulo-Barrosso.
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, Volume 12, 2021, Issue 3
The aim of the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is to provide psychology practitioners involved in the sport industry with sound information that is immediately applicable to their work. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Teaching Athletes to Understand Their Attention Is Teaching Them to Concentrate by Alex Oliver, Paul J. McCarthy & Lindsey Burns.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 42, 2019, Issue 3
Loisir et Société / Society & Leisure is a bilingual, multidisciplinary and thematic journal that publishes on leisure and free time with their relation to cultural, economic and social dimensions of individuals and communities. These dimensions include family, the environment, communication, culture, governance, economy, public service, etc.
Sports Coaching Review, Volume 7, 2018, Issue 2
Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The journal is mono, multi and interdisciplinary in approach. Special issue: Coaching in Brazil.
Med kultur som förstoringsglas: Anglosfäriska texter om kvinnor och ”action”-sport
I antologin Women in Action Sport Cultures: Identity, Politics and Experience diskuterar redaktörerna Holly Thorpe och Rebecca Olive tillsammans med ytterligare 27 bidragsgivare de utmaningar kvinnor står inför i samtidens idrottskulturer. Sveriges ledande actionsportkulturforskare Åsa Bäckström, som ogillar ”action” men gillar ”kultur”, är vår recensent.
Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, Volume 25, 2017, Number 2
Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal (WSPAJ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to advancing the understanding of women in sport and physical activity. WSPAJ is the official journal of the Program for the Advancement of Girls and Women in Sport and Physical Activity, housed in the Center for Women's Health and Wellness at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.