Tag: Dave Bright
Journal of Emerging Sport Studies, Vol 10, 2024
The Journal of Emerging Sport Studies is committed to publishing scholarship from across academic disciplines that reflects the changing face of sport studies around the world from established and emerging sport scholars. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: A Cross-Sectional, Survey-Based Study of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Canadian Indoor Climbing Community by Daniel Wigfield & Anita Acai (open access).
Journal of Emerging Sport Studies, Vol 6, Winter 2021
The Journal of Emerging Sport Studies is committed to publishing scholarship from across academic disciplines that reflects the changing face of sport studies around the world from established and emerging sport scholars. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Sparring with Stereotypes: An Ethnography of the Main Street Gym by Diane Ketelle, Lucas Ketelle (open access).