Tag: Conferences: Ethnography
Call for Papers | British Autoethnography Conference 2019 | Bristol, UK, July 22–23 2019. Call ends June 1, 2019
The 2019 British Autoethnography conference provides an inter-disciplinary space to explore different ways we come to know, understand and communicate. We hope novice and neophyte researchers will be supported to develop their practice alongside more experienced practitioners and we hope each of us is able to inspire, challenge, nurture each other while witnessing and responding to our presentations and performances.
Call for Papers | Reimagining Experience | The 5th British International Autoethnography Conference, Bristol July 23–24, 2018. Call ends June 1, 2018
“Reimagining experience” provides an inter/cross disciplinary platform to explore different ways we come to know, understand, collaborate and communicate autoethnographic research. We have a large number of sessions/slots for presenters to exhibit/present their work, however, this number is not unlimited and when the timetable is full the conference submission will close.
Call for Papers | “Cultures of Combat: Qualitative Studies of Martial Arts, Fighting Systems and Combat Sports” | 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Bergamo, Italy, June 6–9, 2018....
This conference aims to build on the rich intellectual discussion with researchers from across a variety of disciplines including sociology, anthropology, political sciences, arts & humanities, education, cultural studies, and gender studies are able to present their research, discuss findings, theory and methodology in a lively and friendly environment.
Call for Papers | ”Till saken i etnologiska studier i sport och fysisk aktivitet” | Specialsession vid Nordiska etnolog- och folkloristkongressen, den 12-15 juni 2018, Uppsala. Deadline för abstracts:...
Syftet med denna session är att samla forskare i Norden som arbetar etnografiskt med studier av sport och fysisk aktivitet, för gemensamma diskussioner kring betydelsen av etnografiska metoder i förståelsen av olika fenomen på detta fält, inklusive den fysiska kroppen, alltså själva ”saken” i sport och idrottsutövning.
Call for Papers | Sport in Ethnography – Haze, Crises, and Wonder | A stream at the 12th Annual Ethnography Symposium
To encourage a discussion on what ethnography can do for sport (and sport scholarship for ethnography) in the age of uncertainty and distrust, we invite contributions from different fields of sports research and of diverse ethnographic perspectives, pertaining to whether sport can restore and/or uphold its integrity and remain a source of wonder and solace in the face of its present challenges.
Call for Papers | Politics and Ethnography in an Age of Uncertainty | The 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium, The University of Manchester 29th August – 1st September 2017
In 2017 the ethnography symposium takes as its theme the question of politics and ethnography in “an age of uncertainty”. We invite you to join us in Manchester for the 12th International Ethnography Symposium. For the first time the conference is hosting a series of specialist streams that address the theme of politics from a variety of perspectives and disciplines.