Tag: brand management
Call for Papers | “Delving Deeper: Examining Individual-Level Sport Brands”, Special issue of European Sport Management Quarterly | Call ends July 1, 2022 (full manuscript)
Within this special issue of ESMQ, we seek to expand the scope of individual-level brand research within the sport industry and advance knowledge pertaining to: (1) how individuals in the sport industry develop and manage their brands; and (2) how such brand development and management influences, and is influenced by, related brands (e.g., other individuals, teams, leagues, sponsors, communities). Specifically, we call for further research on brands that operate at an individual, rather than collective, level.
Call for Papers | “Strategic Brand Management In and Through Sport” – Special Issue of Journal of Strategic Marketing. Call ends September 30, 2020
This special issue, guest edited by Elisavet Argyro Manoli, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, aims to add to the ever-developing branding and sport branding literature, by exploring both forms that sport brand management can take, while taking into consideration its strategic nature and the rapid development of the sport sector and the wider social, technological and economic environment.
Call for Papers | “Exploring new routes within brand research in sport management” | Special Issue of European Sport Management Quarterly. Call ends November 30, 2018
Sport brand management is a global and up-to-date research topic. However, little research focuses on future aspects of brand research in sport management. Meanwhile, sport managers face unprecedented challenges between brand heritage and brand innovation. For example, fans do not agree any more with their clubs’ or associations’ focus on brand development.
Call for Papers | “Sport Brands: Brand Relationships and Consumer Behavior” | Special issue of Sport Marketing Quarterly. Call ends December 15, 2018
This special issue is aimed to advance the management of brands within the sport industry. Manuscripts investigating a wide variety of topical areas (e.g., consumer and employee behavior; sponsorship; participant or spectators; digital and social media behavior; field experiments) will be reviewed. Anticipated publication of the accepted manuscripts is December 2019.