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    Tag: Anthony C. Krautmann

    Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 21, 2020, No. 7

    The aim of the Journal of Sports Economics is to further research in the area of sports economics by bringing together theoretical and empirical research in a single intellectual venue. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: DO YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR? SALARY AND EX ANTE PLAYER VALUE IN MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL by John L. Solow and Anthony C. Krautmann.

    Journal of Sport Management, Volume 32, 2018, Issue 3

    The Journal of Sport Management encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed.

    Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 19, 2018, No. 3

    Journal of Sports Economics (JSE), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, publishes scholarly research in the field of sports economics. The aim of the journal is to further research in the area of sports economics by bringing together theoretical and empirical research in a single intellectual venue.

    Handbook with several interesting contributions but not quite up to the competition

    Harry Arne Solberg reviews The Oxford Handbook of Sport Economics in two volumes, The Economics of Sports and Economics Through Sports, edited by Stephen Shmanske and Leo H. Kahane.
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