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    Journal of Sport Management, Volume 38, 2024, Issue 6

    JSM encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Mother-Coaches’ Experiences of Policy and Programs: “Whoever Wrote This Policy Doesn’t Understand What It Means to Be a Mom” by Jesse Porter, Dawn E. Trussell, Ryan Clutterbuck, Jennifer Mooradian.

    Good governance, a mission not completed

    The contributions in Good Governance in Sport: Critical Reflections, edited by Arnout Geeraert & Frank von Eekeren (Routledge) explore the different practical strategies that have been employed to achieve the implementation of good governance principles. In his review, H. Thomas R. Persson points out the link between the book and Play the Game, the Danish initiative promoting democracy, transparency, and freedom of expression in world sport, and concludes that the book is a welcome contribution to the good governance debate.

    Journal of Sport Management, Volume 36, 2022, Issue 6

    JSM encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Image Repair Using Social Identity Leadership: An Exploratory Analysis of the National Football League’s Response to the National Anthem Protests by Daniel Read, Daniel Lock.

    Annals of Leisure Research, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 4 | Being Outdoors: Challenging and celebrating diverse outdoor leisure embodiments and experiences. Part 2. Being in the urban outdoors

    Annals of Leisure Research is aimed at an international readership and seeks theoretical or applied articles which cover any topic within the broad area of leisure studies. Click below for full ToC with links to abstracts. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The way we roll: the use of longboards and cameras by girls to roll through the urban outdoors by Froukje Smits & Annelies Knoppers.

    Sport in Society, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 3 | Forced Migration and Sport

    Academics in various disciplines are writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: We exist, play sports, and will persist: everyday lives of Palestinian sportswomen through the lens of the ‘politics of invisibility’ by Hillary Kipnis.

    International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 13, 2021, Issue 3

    The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics aims to publish articles that address all aspects of sport policy irrespective of academic discipline. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Sport clubs, policy networks, and local politics by Ørnulf Seippel & Johanna Sveen Belbo (open access).

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 56, 2021, No. 3

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Women in sports leadership: A systematic narrative review by Adam B Evans and Gertrud U Pfister.

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 55, 2020, No. 6

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: SPORTSCAPES: CONTESTED BODIES, GENDER AND DESIRE WITHIN A FEMALE AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL TEAM by Kellie Sanders.

    Sport Management Review, Volume 23, 2020, Issue 3

    Sport Management Review is published as a service to sport industries worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with the management, marketing, and governance of sport at all levels and in all its manifestations. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE EN/GENDERING OF VOLUNTEERING: “I’VE PRETTY MUCH ALWAYS NOTICED THAT THE TAIL RUNNER IS ALWAYS FEMALE” by Annette Stride, Hayley Fitzgerald, Alexandra Rankin-Wright, Luke Barnes.

    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 39, 2020, Issue 2

    The purpose of JTPE is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools, communities, higher education, and sport. Editor’s pick from the current issue: USING A GAME SENSE APPROACH TO TEACH BUROINJIN AS AN ABORIGINAL GAME TO ADDRESS SOCIAL JUSTICE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION by John Williams and Shane Pill.