Tag: Andy Gillentine
International Journal of Sport Communication, Volume 13, 2020, No. 2
The mission of IJSC is to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to disseminate research and information from diverse fields such as critical studies, sport management, advertising, etc. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “YOU HAD ONE JOB!” A CASE STUDY OF MALADAPTIVE PARASOCIAL INTERACTION AND ATHLETE MALTREATMENT IN VIRTUAL SPACES by Jimmy Sanderson, Matthew Zimmerman, Sarah Stokowski and Alison Fridley.
Rich anthology penetrates the intricacies of the relationship between sport and environment
“I read this volume as one of many signs that sport can no longer escape issues of environmental impact, sustainability and climate change.” The volume in question is Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment edited by Brian P. McCullough and Timothy B. Kellison (Routledge), and the quote is from Daniel Svensson’s review in which he is mainly positive, although he also points to some perspectives that he finds missing in the book.
Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, Vol 29, 2019, Issue 1
The mission of Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport is to increase the understanding and advancement of legal issues as applied to all aspects of the sport paradigm. JLAS endeavors to publish peer-reviewed submissions, in any tradition of scholarship, that are of the highest scholarly quality and scientific rigor about legal aspects relating to sport, recreation, and related fields.
Inte så kritisk, och inget paradigmskifte
I huvudsak skriven för en amerikansk marknad, men inte utan intresse för en publik utanför USA, är antologin Critical Essays in Sport Management: Exploring and Achieving a Paradigm Shift sammanställd av Gillentine, Baker och Cuneen, som Christian Widholm recenserar. Vad betyder critical i en boktitel? Vå recensent ville se ny och till och med alternativ kunskap, men blev besviken.
Sport managements (amerikanska) grunder
Joacim Larsson
Högskolan Dalarna
Andy Gillentine & R. Brian Crow (red)
Foundations of Sport Management: Second Edition
326 sidor, inb., ill.
Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology 2009 (Sport Management Library)
ISBN 978-1-885693-94-5
Foundations of Sport Management ägnas åt ett växande forsknings- och kunskapsområde. Det har under de senaste åren kommit allt fler böcker inom detta område, med den gemensamma nämnaren för många att på olika sätt framställa sig som heltäckande....