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    Anthology looking for new ways to teach economics, sports or otherwise, does not impress our reviewer

    There is a dire need for a comprehensive pedagogical resource both on diverse approaches to teaching sports economics and the use of sports to teach broader principles of economic concepts. The contributions in Teaching Sports Economics and Using Sports to Teach Economics, edited by Victor A. Matheson & Aju J. Fenn (Edward Elgar) seek to remedy that. Our reviewer, Kjetil K. Haugen, finds some serious flaws in the book, but also successful attempts at providing productive pedagogical pointers.

    Rich anthology penetrates the intricacies of the relationship between sport and environment

    “I read this volume as one of many signs that sport can no longer escape issues of environmental impact, sustainability and climate change.” The volume in question is Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment edited by Brian P. McCullough and Timothy B. Kellison (Routledge), and the quote is from Daniel Svensson’s review in which he is mainly positive, although he also points to some perspectives that he finds missing in the book.
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