International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, Volume 14, 2019, Issue 3


Original research

Psychological contract, job satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention: Exploring the moderating role of psychological contract breach in National Collegiate Athletic Association coaches
Gonzalo A Bravo, Doyeon Won, and Weisheng Chiu

Psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire for coaches
Andressa Ribeiro Contreira, José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior, Gislaine Contessoto Pizzo, Selso Ananias Sitoe, Caio Rosas Moreira, Sophia Jowett, and Lenamar Fiorese

Learner-centered teaching in a university-based coach education: First attempts through action research inquiry
Michel Milistetd, William das Neves Salles, Ana Flávia Backes, Isabel Mesquita, and Juarez Vieira do Nascimento

Open Access
Successful coach learning: Digital workbook informed by pedagogical principles
Hedda Berntsen and Elsa Kristiansen

Can coaches predict long-term career attainment outcomes in adolescent athletes?
Ashley J Cripps, Luke S Hopper, and Christopher Joyce

Are professional footballers becoming lighter and more ectomorphic? Implications for talent identification and development
Alan M Nevill, Daniel I Okojie, Julian Smith, Peter G O’Donoghue, and Tom Webb

Training, match and non-rugby activities in elite male youth rugby union players in England
Sharief Hendricks, Kevin Till, Dan Weaving, Alun Powell, Simon Kemp, Keith Stokes, and Ben Jones

Comparison of match-related performance indicators between major professional rugby competitions
Riaan Schoeman and Robert Schall

Evolution of game-play characteristics within-season for the National Basketball Association
Shaoliang Zhang, Alberto Lorenzo, Carl T Woods, Anthony S Leicht, and Miguel-Angel Gómez

A log-linear analysis of efficiency in elite basketball applied to observational methodology
Roberto Alsasua, Daniel Lapresa, Javier Arana, and M Teresa Anguera

A comparative biomechanical analysis of the performance level on chasse step in table tennis
Changxiao Yu, Shirui Shao, Julien S Baker, Jan Awrejcewicz, and Yaodong Gu

Chipping in on the role of conscious processing during children’s motor learning by analogy
Tina van Duijn, Simon Thomas, and Rich SW Masters

Case studies

The road to 21 seconds: A case report of a 2016 Olympic swimming sprinter
Augusto Carvalho Barbosa, Pedro Frederico Valadão, Carolina Franco Wilke, Felipe de Souza Martins, Dellano Cézar Pinto Silva, Scott Alexander Volkers, Cláudio Olívio Vilela Lima, José Ricardo Claudino Ribeiro, Natália Franco Bittencourt, and Renato Barroso

The role of character in talent identification and development in New Zealand rugby union
Ryan Rosevear and Tania Cassidy


Mindfulness and its relevance for sports coaches adopting nonlinear pedagogy
Ying Hwa Kee


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