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    Tag: Gary Stidder

    Physical education – a complex jigsaw puzzle, almost completed

    Gary Stidder’s new book, Teaching Physical Education: Contemporary Issues for Teachers, Educators and Students (Routledge) assesses the landscape of physical education today and the issues that shape it as a curriculum subject, particularly in the era of COVID-19. In his review, Håkan Larsson commends the author’s jigsaw puzzle metaphor. The interrelationship between the pieces is well if not fully developed; however, our reviewer would have liked to see further analyses of the puzzle as a whole.

    Vad innebär det att bli lärare i idrott och hälsa?

    Skolämnet idrott och hälsa, på engelska physical education, förefaller ständigt vara på väg mot ett identitetsförtydligande, såväl i teoretiskt som praktiskt hänseende. Ännu ett tecken på det är Gary Stidders nya bok Becoming a Physical Education Teacher (Routledge). Håkan Larsson har läst den.
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