Tag: sportification
Ny forskning | E-sport utvecklas på samma sätt som längdskidor
Sportifiering är en modell för att analysera hur idrotter utvecklas som har använts sedan 70-talet då en amerikansk idrottsforskare tog fram kriterier för en analys. Grunden är att idrotter tenderar att utvecklas enligt ett mönster. Man kan känna igen mönster från vitt skilda företeelser. Daniel Svensson, docent i idrottsvetenskap vid Malmö universitet, har tillsammans med Daniel Pargman från KTH tittat på e-sportens sportifiering i Sverige och jämfört den med längdskidor.
Call for Papers | “Traditional Games in a Modern World”, Special Issue of International Journal of Sport and Society. Call ends February 20, 2022
The aim of this special issue is to situate traditional games in the modern sporting landscape. The continued relevance and adherence of traditional games provides a key site for analysing the juncture between traditionalism and modernism. Sports and games are the somatic cultural heritage of society. The physical cultures of our pasts and futures are indelible markers of our relationships with our bodies, our genders, our ethnicities, and our social surroundings.
Sport Scholar Profile | Bo Carlsson, Linnæus University
Bo Carlsson, whose PhD was in sociology of law, is presently a full professor of sport science at Linnaeus University, having previously worked at Lund and Malmö Universities. He is a prolific writer, with a number of monographs, anthologies, book chapters and scholarly articles to his name, as well as several special issues of scholarly journals, and always focusing on the relationship of sport and society and the place of law therein. Bo Carlsson took the initiative to and is one of the founders of idrottsforum.org.