Tag: Ovidiu C. Cocieru
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, Volume 14, 2021, Issue 1
The Journal of Intercollegiate Sport (JIS), an open access journal supported by the University of Kansas, provides an exciting forum for research specifically addressing sport in college and university settings. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE CIRCLE OF UNITY: THE POWER OF SYMBOLS IN A TEAM SPORT CONTEXT by Brendan O'Hallarn, Craig A. Morehead, Mark A. Slavich, Alicia M. Cintron.
Sport Management Review, Volume 22, 2019, Issue 3
Sport Management Review is published as a service to sport industries worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with the management, marketing, and governance of sport at all levels and in all its manifestations -- whether as an entertainment, a recreation, or an occupation. The journal welcomes submissions reporting new research, new applications and advances in theory.