Tag: Nicholas Myers
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, Volume 24, 2020, Issue 2
MPEES covers a wide variety of subjects in the area of measurement research in physical education and exercise science. Each journal section is devoted to theoretical and methodological issues in measurement and statistics. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CLASSIFICATION IN YOUTH USING RAW ACCELEROMETER DATA FROM THE HIP by Matthew N. Ahmadi, Karin A. Pfeiffer & Stewart G. Trost.
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 11, 2018, Issue 1
IRSEP is the first scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes critical reviews of research literature in sport and exercise psychology. Typically, these reviews evaluate relevant conceptual and methodological issues in the field and provide a critique of the strengths and weaknesses of empirical studies that address common themes or hypotheses.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 39, 2017, Issue 4
The Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP) is designed to stimulate and communicate research theory in all areas of sport and exercise psychology. JSEP emphasizes original research reports that advance our understanding of human behavior as it relates to sport and exercise.
Många bra bidrag hänger i luften i redaktionssvag coaching-antologi
Paul Potrac, Wade Gilbert och Jim Denison står som redaktörer för Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching, men de har inte satt in de 39 bidragen i handboken i ett sammanhang, vilket vår recensent Robert Svensson beklagar. Det blev en tvåsidig inledning till en 500-sidig bok.