Tag: Mikael Londos
The Meeting between Physical Education and Health in School, and a Nursing Home
This study by Dastan Rashid, Timmy Nilsson & Mikael Londos aims to describe and problematize pupils’ and teachers’ experiences of an ongoing school project about values education in relation to teaching. The school project is designed so that pupils in grades 4–6, aged 11–13, can plan, lead and carry out physical activities with the elderly in a nursing home. The school project has also contributed to the pupils becoming more active in and out of school, reaching a social maturity and gaining a lifelong perspective on physical activity.
Taking Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) to a new level
Joy I. Butler passed away in September 2019. Mikael Londos remembers her by reviewing her seminal work from 2016, Playing Fair: Using student-invented games to prevent bullying, teach democracy, and promote social justice (Human Kinetics). In spite of taking issues with some aspects of her Teaching Games for Understanding model, our reviewer is happy to recommend Butler’s book to all PETE and PE teachers alike.
Skolinspektionen: Kvalitetsgranskning av ämnet idrott och hälsa i årskurs 7–9
Observationerna i kvalitetsgranskningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa visar att en femtedel av eleverna inte regelbundet deltar i undervisningen. Detta är en oroande bild och insatser krävs. Kvalitetsgranskningen består dels av en bredare kartläggning av 100 grundskolor, dels av en närmare granskning av 23 skolor.