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    Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, Volume 13, 2022

    SSSF, a multidisciplinary social sciences sport studies journal, welcomes articles that deal with sport and social change and social stability in a wide sense, articles about the profound and comprehensive processes affecting sport. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Reflections from CrossFitters on the themes of body and community by Arild Boge, Ove Olsen Sæle & Hilde Stokvold Gundersen (open access).

    Reflections from CrossFitters on the themes of body and community

    What are the reflections of a selection of CrossFitters with regard to body ideals, body-image pressure and community? In this study by Arild Boge, Ove Olsen Sæle and Hilde Stokvold Gundersen, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a selection of participants who train at a CrossFit centre in Norway. The conclusion of the study is that the unique training form and architectural design of CrossFit appear to contribute to little body-image pressure and less focus on the ideal body.
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