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    Tag: Dario Brentin

    Sport Docs on the Box

    Sport documentaries are gaining ground with production companies, directors, distributors and audiences, and the genre is now also subjected to scholarly engagement of which Sporting Realities: Critical Readings of the Sports Documentary, edited by Samantha N. Sheppard & Travis Vogan (University of Nebraska Press), is a result. Our reviewer Garry Whannel knows this field well, and his knowledgeable review is highly readable, as is the book – although limited by its dominating US perspective.

    The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 34, 2017, Issue 9: The History and Social Role of Sport in Socialist Yugoslavia

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is the world’s leading sport history academic periodical with fully-refereed global coverage of the subject. As well as regular issues, the IJHS also offers regionally-focused issues on the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, and special issues each year on significant topics and themes.

    Soccer & Society, Volume 19, 2018, Issue 3 | Fan Protest and Activism: Football from Below in South-Eastern Europe

    Soccer and Society is the first international journal devoted to the world’s most popular game. It covers all aspects of soccer globally from anthropological, cultural, economic, historical, political and sociological perspectives.q
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