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    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 27, 2022, Issue 3

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Hip Injury Profile and Time Missed From Participation in Male National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Baseball Athletes by Ioanna K. Bolia, Jennifer A. Bell, Hyunwoo P. Kang, Aryan Haratian, Laith K. Hasan, Michael B. Eppler, Russ Romano, James E. Tibone, Seth C. Gamradt, Alexander E. Weber.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 27, 2022, Issue 2

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Rib Stress Injuries Among Female National Collegiate Athletic Association Rowers: A Prospective Epidemiological Study by Caitlin A. Madison, Rod A. Harter, Marie L. Pickerill, Jeff M. Housman.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 27, 2022, Issue 1

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Effect of Experience Levels on Injury Rates in Collegiate Rugby Players by Francesca A. Harvey, Eric Schussler.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 26, 2021, Issue 6

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Effect of Head Accelerations on Dynamic Balance in Collegiate Women’s Rugby by Eric Schussler, Ryan S. McCann, Nicholas Reilly, Thomas R. Campbell, Jessica C. Martinez.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 26, 2021, Issue 5

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Assessment of Injury History, Severity, and Medical Care for Athletes Participating in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Hiromichi Usuki, Nealy Grandgenett, Sofia Jawed-Wessel, Adam B. Rosen, Melanie L. McGrath.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 26, 2021, Issue 4

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Linear Acceleration at Head Impact in Collegiate Divers: A Pilot Studyn by Tyler A. Wood, Jake M. Tablerion, Randy A. Ballard, Jerrad Zimmerman, Jacob J. Sosnoff.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 26, 2021, Issue 3

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Evaluating Primary Care Management of Acute Sport-Related Concussion by Michael J. Cools, Weston T. Northam, Michael Boyd, Andrew Alexander, Jason P. Mihalik, Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Kevin A. Carneiro.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 26, 2021, Issue 2

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Efficacy of a Passive Stretching Intervention for Overhead Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic by Michelle A. Sandrey.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 26, 2021, Issue 1

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: RATER RELIABILITY OF THE TUCK JUMP ASSESSMENT: A CRITICALLY APPRAISED TOPIC (CAT) by Michael D. McAdie, Monica R. Lininger, Meghan Warren.

    International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Vol. 25, 2020, Issue 6

    The International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is the professional journal for athletic trainers and athletic therapists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ARTERIAL THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME IN A COLLEGIATE VOLLEYBALL PLAYER: A CASE REPORT by Katherine Craig, Shannon L. Jordan, Daniel R. Chilek, Doug Boatwright, Julio Morales.
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