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    Tag: Alexandra Pizzera

    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 20, 2022, Issue 4

    IJSEP publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Early specialisation among Swedish aesthetic performers: exploring motivation and perceptions of parental influence by Charlotte Downing, Karin Redelius & Sanna Nordin-Bates (open access).

    Sport psychologists look at sports officials – and invite them in

    Bente Skogvang, herself a seasoned football referee as well as an accomplished sports scholar, reviews Sports Officials and Officiating: Science and Practice by Clare MacMahon and colleagues (Routledge). This book, she concludes, is a welcome contribution to the literature in an understudied sphere of sports.
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