Dear all,
October was a successful month for, with a record-breaking 21,300 unique page views. The Nordic countries accounted for less than a third of the page views, again highlighting the global scope of the Forum. We’re pleased. Thank you.
Last week the following items were published on (see below; language and publication dates, YYMMDD, in brackets). Click on the red headings to go to content. Utilize the Google Translate service to turn Scandinavian language pages into (some sort of) English.
Have a great week,
Kjell Eriksson
Research Article
The Meeting between Physical Education and Health in School, and a Nursing Home
This study by Dastan Rashid, Timmy Nilsson & Mikael Londos aims to describe and problematize pupils’ and teachers’ experiences of an ongoing school project about values education in relation to teaching. The school project is designed so that pupils in grades 4–6, aged 11–13, can plan, lead and carry out physical activities with the elderly in a nursing home. The school project has also contributed to the pupils becoming more active in and out of school, reaching a social maturity and gaining a lifelong perspective on physical activity. (Published 221101.
Book Review
Statens stöd till idrotten: Uppföljning 2021 [Swedish state support for sport: Follow-up 2021] by Johan R. Norberg
Centrum för idrottsforskning har under år 2021 haft i uppdrag av regeringen att genomföra en fördjupad analys av förekomst och behov av ändamålsenliga idrottsanläggningar och utemiljöer i landet samt även genomföra en fördjupad analys av coronapandemins påverkan på idrottsrörelsen. Rapporten Statens stöd till idrotten sammanfattar 2021 års uppföljning. Björn Anders Larsson bjuder på en grundlig genomgång i sin uppskattande recension av Johan Norbergs rapport. (Book in Swedish, review in Swedish published 221102.)
New on the Sport Scholars List
Klara Boije af Gennäs, Malmö University
Klara Boije af Gennäs is a doctoral student in sport science at Malmo University since September 2021. She is part of the doctoral school Learning in Multicultural Societal Contexts. She holds a BA in Sports Coaching and a MA from Gothenburg University. Klara’s research aims to increase the knowledge on sport related injuries in adolescents. She focuses on equestrian sport injuries using an interdisciplinary research approach combining sociology, sports medicine, and media and communication. (221031)
New Issues of Scholarly Journals
(We rely heavily on journal publishers delivering on their promises of new issue alerts. Sometimes they don’t.)
- International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol 23, 2022, No 5 | Sport Management, Marketing, and Innovation (221031)
- International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 20, 2022, Issue 5 (221101)
- Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 93, 2022, Issue 7 (221101)
- International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 57, 2022, No. 7 (221101)
- Sport Management Education Journal, Volume 16, 2022, Issue 2 (221101)
- Event Management: An international journal, Volume 26, 2022, Number 7 (221102)
- Leisure Sciences, Volume 44, 2022, Issue 7 (221103)
- International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Volume 13, 2022, Issue 4 (221105)
- Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, Volume 16, 2022, Issue 3 (221106)
News items (calls for papers, vacancies, etc.)
- Vacancy | PhD position in Sport marketing at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH), Oslo. Position closes at December 5, 2022 (221031)
- Call for Participation | ”Sådan skaber vi et Danmark i Bevægelse!” | Brugerkonference den 10. november, 9.30–16.30, på Syddansk Universitet, Odense (221101)
- Call for Papers | Social Justice Through Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2023 Symposium | Springfield College, Springfield, MA, March 23–25, 2023. Call ends February 3, 2023 (221101)
- Vacancies | Funded doctoral opportunities at the International Centre for Sports History and Culture, De Montfort University, UK (221105)
- Call for Participants | Mega-events and sustainable cities: oxymoron or opportunity? Online event hosted by University of Westminster, November 14, 2022, 1300–1430 GMT (221105)
- Call for Papers | Anti-colonial autoethnography in sport, Special Issue of the Journal of Emerging Sport Studies | Call ends December 1, 2022 (221106)