That Was The Week That Was,
August 29 — September 4, 2022


Dear all,
Welcome to the first TWTWTW page since June – as a rule we don’t publish original texts, blog posts excluded, during summer due to low viewer figures. Thus, last week is the first worth reporting from.
It’s worth mentioning that a number of new issues of scholarly journals were presented during summer, about 70, actually, but only last week’s presentations are listed below. The news section lists all Calls for Papers published since June with deadlines that are still applicable. 
Language and publication dates, YYMMDD, in brackets. Click on the red headings to go to content. Utilize the Google Translate service to turn Scandinavian language pages into (some sort of) English.
Have a great week,
Kjell Eriksson

Feature Article

The Role and Function of Tifos in the Swedish Football Supporter Culture

In this feature article, Sara Karlén presents her dissertation project at the Department of Sport Sciences, Malmö University. Building on preparatory fieldwork for her Master’s thesis, Sara aims to get a handle on the practice of tifos within the Swedish football supporter culture. Utilizing qualitative methods such as observations and focus group interviews, her primary purpose is to explore how supporters add value to football games by producing creative expressions through visual choreographies. (Published in English 220901.

Book Review

Advanced Introduction to the Sociology of Sport by Eric Anderson & Rory Magrath

This Advanced Introduction to the Sociology of Sport, claims the publisher (Edward Elgar Publishing), highlights the relationship between sport and violence, brain injury, social class, sexual minorities, gender, and race. That’s fine with our reviewer, Alan Bairner, but Eric Anderson’s and Rory Magrath’s effort does not, according to Professor Bairner, qualify as an introduction, advanced or otherwise, to the sociology of sport.(Published in English 220829.)

New on the Sport Studies Scholars List

Sara Karlén, Malmö University

Sara Karlén is a PhD student at the Department of Sports Sciences, Malmö University. Her dissertation project studies football supporters and the Swedish supporter culture with a focus on the visual choreographies, known as tifos, that supporters create. In the past, she has studied sports audiences during the corona pandemic with a focus on football supporters, as well as conflicts between fans and police in the Swedish football landscape. Sara has an educational background in sociology and gender studies. (220119)

New Blog Posts

The Qatar Men’s FIFA World Cup 2022: Free Kick or Body Check for Human Rights? by David Rowe

The men’s FIFA World Cup 2022 was controversial from the moment that FIFA President Sepp Blatter announced Qatar had won the right to host it. Much has happened in the world of football since that December 2010 afternoon in Zurich. Blatter and his “football counsellor” Michel Platini were charged and then cleared on counts including fraud and forgery, several other FIFA members have been expelled, indicted, and convicted, and the tournament moved from its traditional June-July time slot to the end of the year. (Published in English 220713.)

TV-lydens narrespill og misforstått (med)supporterskap by Mads Skauge

Fotballskribent-fenomenet Erik Niva (som forresten besøkte Bodø i helgen) har gjentatte ganger vurdert Glimt-suksessen de siste årene som et av de, og antagelig det aller mest imponerende, største eventyrene i moderne vestlig fotballhistorie, og det råeste i Skandinavia post Bosman-dommen (et veiskille hvor fotballens mektigste asfalterte sin posisjon ved å trekke opp stigen etter seg, og hvor avstanden mellom stor og liten i det internasjonale fotballhierarkiet ble større enn noensinne), om man tar i betraktning spillet på banen og forutsetningene utenfor banen. (Published in Norwegian 220823)

Idrettens dilemmaer by Mars Skauge

Aftenposten har publisert to kritiske innlegg om den norske idrettsmodellen. Fire forskere ved Høyskolen Kristiania hevder at Norge er en av de aller verste nasjonene når det gjelder frafall fra organisert idrett. 24. juni følger fire aktører fra Norges Bedriftsidrettsforbund opp med krav om at idrettspolitikken også må innrettes mot voksne.I sum tegnes et bilde av en idrettsbevegelse i utakt med tiden. Den klarer ikke å fange opp ungdoms foretrukne aktivitetsmønstre, og den er for lite oppmerksom på den voksne befolkningens behov. Det er lett å slutte seg til flere poenger i begge innleggene. (Published in Norwegian 220823)

New Issues of Scholarly Journals

(We rely heavily on journal publishers delivering on their promises of new issue alerts. Sometimes they don’t.)

  • International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 22, 2022, No. 3–4 (220829)
  • Communication & Sport, Vol. 10, 2022, No. 4 (220829)
  • Leisure/Loisir, Volume 46, 2022, Issue 3 (220830)
  • Sport in Society, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 8 (220830)
  • Leisure Studies, Volume 41, 2022, Issue 4 (220831)
  • International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 57, 2022, No. 6 (220831)
  • Annals of Leisure Research, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 3 | Being Outdoors: Challenging and celebrating diverse outdoor leisure embodiments and experiences. Part 1. Gender and outdoor leisure (220901)
  • Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, Volume 26, 2022, Issue 3 (220901)

News items (calls for papers, vacancies, etc.)

  • Call for Papers | “Futures—Past: Liberation, Futurity, Intersectionality, and Interdisciplinarity: Reading Sport, Physical Culture, and the (Physically Active) Body”, Special Issue of Sociology of Sport Journal | Call ends October 15, 2022 (220715)
  • Call for Book Chapters on Metaverse and Sport. Call ends December 15, 2022 (220802)
  • Call for Papers | “Contributing to Team Performance in Professional Sports: Applied Mental Performance”, Special Issue of Journal of Sport Psychology in Action | Call ends October 31, 2022 (220809)
  • Call for Papers | “Sustainable development in sport and physical activity – perspectives and challenges”, Special issue of German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research | Call ends December 31, 2022 (220811)
  • Call for Papers | IACS 2023 – Summit on Communication and Sport | Barcelona, March 9–11, 2023. Call ends September 23, 2022 (220812)
  • Call for Papers | “Rights to and in youth sports”, Special Issue of YOUNG: Nordic Journal of Youth Research | Call ends January 31, 2023 (220816)
  • Call for Papers | “Social Media and Sport Communication: Reflections & Opportunities”, Special Issue of International Journal of Sport Communication | Call ends January 15, 2023 (220817)
  • Call for Papers | 11th Czech Philosophy of Sport Conference | University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, October 21–23, 2022. Call ends September 23, 2022 (220818)
  • Call for Participation | “Praying on the Pitch: Football, Religion and Social Identities” | Online course, September 14–15, 2022 (220829)


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