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    Tag: Young Do Kim

    Sport Management Review, Volume 23, 2020, Issue 5

    Sport Management Review is published as a service to sport industries worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with the management, marketing, and governance of sport at all levels and in all its manifestations. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: AN EXPLORATION OF THE DISTRACTIONS INHERENT TO SOCIAL MEDIA USE AMONG ATHLETES by Michelle Hayes, Kevin Filo, Andrea Geurin, Caroline Riot.

    International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 20, 2020, No. 1/2 | Sports Marketing Agenda Revisited

    The International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), a refereed journal published four times per year, aims to present current practice and research in the area of sport management and marketing.The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE STRUCTURE, CONTENT AND CONTEXT OF ACHIEVED CELEBRITY BRANDS: A STUDY OF FOOTBALLERS IN THEIR BRANDSCAPES by Anna Zarkada; Eugenia Tzoumaka.

    International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol 21, 2020, No 2

    IJSMS is the world’s leading journal for the sports marketing industry, and provides a vital resource to both academic and industry experts. For academics it is an opportunity to publish the highest quality, peer-reviewed research. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY ON FOREIGN PARTICIPANTS’ SATISFACTION AND BEHAVIORAL INTENTION WITH THE 2016 SHANGHAI INTERNATIONAL MARATHON by Yi Xiao, Xiaoling Ren, Pei Zhang, Antonnette Ketlhoafetse.

    Sport Management Review, Volume 22, 2019, Issue 3

    Sport Management Review is published as a service to sport industries worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with the management, marketing, and governance of sport at all levels and in all its manifestations -- whether as an entertainment, a recreation, or an occupation. The journal welcomes submissions reporting new research, new applications and advances in theory.

    Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 35, 2018, Issue 4

    The Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) publishes original research, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, physical culture, and the (physically active) body. The purpose of SSJ is to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays.
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