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    Tag: Trygve B. Broch

    Thick ethnographic descriptions abound, paucity of critical feminist thinkers

    In A Performative Feel for the Game: How Meaningful Sports Shape Gender, Bodies, and Social Life (Palgrave Macmillan), author Trygve B. Broch investigates how the meaning of sport intersects with gender, disputing causal arguments made by key figures in the cultural studies tradition. ‘Diehard critical thinker’ Alan Bairner is not overly impressed by Broch’s analysis and understanding of the relationship between sport and society.

    Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 36, 2019, Issue 2

    The Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) publishes original research, framed by social theory, on exercise, sport, physical culture, and the (physically active) body. The purpose of SSJ is to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays.

    Sport in Society, Volume 22, 2019, Issue 4: Sport and Outdoor Life in the Nordic World

    The considerable growth of interest in commerce, media and politics and their relationship to sport in international academia has resulted in academics in various disciplines writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life.

    Where are the kids? They are in Scandinavia!

    Tre professorer inom norsk idrottsforskning, Ørnulf Seippel, Mari Kristin Sisjord och Åse Strandbu, står bakom den omfångsrika antologin Ungdom og idrett (Cappelen Damm Akademisk). Vi bad en svensk forskare med ett brinnande intresse för barn- och ungdomsidrott, Karin Redelius, att recensera boken, och vi fick en bred och kunnig översikt av en uppenbart bra och viktig bok.

    Antologi som problematiserar maskulinitet och femininitet inom idrott och fritid

    Suzanne Lundvall recenserar Kjønnsmakt i idrett og friluftsliv, en antologi med bidrag från en hyllningskonferensen till Gerd von der Lippe som fyllde 70 år 2012. Redaktörer är festföremålet själv med Hans Hognestad, och vår recensent är mycket nöjd.
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