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    Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Volume 16, 2022, Issue 1 | Burnout in Sport and Performance

    JCSP seeks to promote an understanding of theory, technique, and empirical findings specifically related to clinical sport psychology. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Perfectionism and Burnout in Athletes: The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress by Luke F. Olsson, Michael C. Grugan, Joseph N. Martin, and Daniel J. Madigan.

    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 17, 2019, Issue 3

    The International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP) publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication.

    European Physical Education Review, Vol. 24, 2018, No. 3

    European Physical Education Review is a journal that stimulates and presents scholarly enquiry in the broad field of physical education, including sport and leisure issues and research, bringing together contributions from a wide range of disciplines across the natural and social sciences and humanities.

    Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Volume 23, 2018, Issue 1

    The purpose of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy is to provide a forum for high quality educational research for a national and international readership. We intend this research to have a high impact on both policy and practice. We accept review papers on a broad range of physical activities.
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