Tag: supporter culture
SUPPORTER – i nöd och lust | En performance lecture i två halvlekar med en forskare, två slagverkare och en skådespelare.
Malmö universitets forskare Aage Radmann har under många år studerat utvecklingen av supporterkulturen. Supporter i nöd och lust baseras på hans forskning och är både skapad och framförs tillsammans med scenkonstnären Matthias Hahne Thorbjörnsson. Föreställningen utspelar sig som en matchdag, från uppladdning till slutsignal, och spelas på supportertorget på Eleda Stadion i Malmö.
Call for Papers | “The Chorus of the Crowd. Culture, Power, and Identities in Football Fandom”, International Conference | Lisbon, Portugal, September 5–6, 2024. Call ends March 24, 2024
This conference arises from the desire to promote a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and revitalized discussion on football fandom and supporter culture. The objective is not merely to share case studies deepening our understanding of these social practices already outlined into the advocated four key areas of focus, but also to reflect on the intricate ways in which they interact with various aspects of the current world. Shifting our initial analytical focus to fans’ commitment and involvement with their clubs can offer a fresh perspective on what we can perceive as the constitutive processes of contemporary communities.
Fotbollssupportrar samlade motstånd över laggränserna under villkorstrappan | Ny forskning från Malmö universitet
År 2019 införde polisen tuffare tag mot fotbollsklubbarnas arbete genom arbetsverktyget villkorstrappan. Om ett fåtal misskötte sig vid något tillfälle kunde straff i form av minskad publik på nästa match följa. De nya restriktionerna ledde till ökad spänning mellan polis och supportrar, vilket Sara Karlén, doktorand på Malmö universitet har studerat tillsammans med Aage Radmann. Resultaten presenteras i en kommande artikel tidskriften Soccer & Society.
Sport Scholar Profile | Sara Karlén, Malmö University
Sara Karlén is a PhD student at the Department of Sports Sciences, Malmö University. Her dissertation project studies football supporters and the Swedish supporter culture with a focus on the visual choreographies, known as tifos, that supporters create. In the past, she has studied sports audiences during the corona pandemic with a focus on football supporters, as well as conflicts between fans and police in the Swedish football landscape. Sara has an educational background in sociology and gender studies.
Program is here! Official heroes and contested guerrillas: The role models of football fans’ patriotism | Webinar, April 1, 2022.
The concept of guerrilla patriotism makes it possible to analyse not only the use of official national heroes by fans but also controversial figures who evoke strong reactions among others – support or rejection. The webinar aims to identify the figures which are perceived as patriotic role-models or anti-role-models by football fans. We want to initiate the discussion to include examples from all over the world. Reflecting on them will allow us to analyse the role such figures play in the national discourse of football stadiums.
Call for Papers | Official heroes and contested guerrillas: The role models of football fans’ patriotism | Webinar, April 1, 2022. Call ends January 31, 2022
The concept of guerrilla patriotism makes it possible to analyse not only the use of official national heroes by fans but also controversial figures who evoke strong reactions among others - support or rejection. The webinar aims to identify the figures which are perceived as patriotic role-models or anti-role-models by football fans. We want to initiate the discussion to include examples from all over the world. Reflecting on them will allow us to analyse the role such figures play in the national discourse of football stadiums.
Call for Participation | “Central and Eastern Europe Football Fans’ Identities: What Happened over 30 Years?” | Webinar, September 24, 2021
More than 30 years after the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, enough time has elapsed to allow researchers to provide detailed answers to one question: how have the region’s football fans’ identities transformed and what these evolutions can teach us about their respective societies. The dialectical analysis of disruptions and continuities with the recent past will shed light on several aspects of fans’ identities.
Call for Papers | Central and Eastern Europe Football Fans’ Identities: What Happened over 30 Years? | Webinar, May 14, 2021. Call ends March 15, 2021
How have the Central and Eastern Europe’s football fans’ identities transformed and what can these evolutions teach us about their respective societies? Geographically, our interest spans Bulgaria, Czech Republic, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, the former Yugoslav (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia) and Soviet republics and Albania.
Research Seminar Series in Sport Sciences, Malmö University | 14 September 2015: “Kvinnor och supporterskap”
This is the latest installment of the Malmö Research Seminar Series in Sport Sciences, Malmö University, Fall 2015. The seminars will take place at the Orkanen building (Nordenskiöldsgatan 10) in Room E121c, between 15:15 to 17:00. This seminar is in Swedish.
Call for papers | The Fan Studies Network 2015 Conference | 27-28th June 2015, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
We invite abstracts of no more than 300 words for individual 20 minute papers that address any aspect of fandom or fan studies. We also welcome collated submissions for pre-constituted panels. We also invite expressions of interest from anyone wishing to host a short session of ‘speed geeking’.