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    What is it that (mostly) saves sport clubs from bankruptcy?

    Exploring why professional team sport clubs are almost always able to survive despite severe financial problems, Professional Team Sports and the Soft Budget Constraint, edited by Rasmus K. Storm, Klaus Nielsen & Zsolt Havran (Edward Elgar) looks at the soft budget constraint theory, SBC. We asked economics historian Giuseppe Telesca for a review and in his knowledgeable assessment of the book, he concludes that the SBC works well to explain the phenomenon under study in this fascinating book.

    Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 23, 2022, No. 8

    The aim of the Journal of Sports Economics is to further research in the area of sports economics by bringing together theoretical and empirical research in a single intellectual venue The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: All Runs Are Created Equal: Labor Market Efficiency in Major League Baseball by Ryan Pinheiro and Stefan Szymanski.

    Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 21, 2020, No. 7

    The aim of the Journal of Sports Economics is to further research in the area of sports economics by bringing together theoretical and empirical research in a single intellectual venue. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: DO YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR? SALARY AND EX ANTE PLAYER VALUE IN MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL by John L. Solow and Anthony C. Krautmann.

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 9, 2020, Issue 1: Proceedings of the National Academy of Kinesiology’s 2019 Meeting: Optimization of Human Performance

    Kinesiology Review is the official, peer-reviewed publication of the National Academy of Kinesiology and the American Kinesiology Association. Its mission is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. Editor’s pick from the current issue: WHAT IS THE VALUE OF PURSUING OPTIMAL ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE? by Cesar R. Torres.

    International Journal of Sport Finance, Volume 14, 2019, Issue 1

    The International Journal of Sport Finance (IJSF) is published quarterly and serves as a high-level forum for the dissemination of current research on sport finance topics on a worldwide basis. A fundamental mission of the journal is to communicate to sport industry executives and managers the practical benefits of research on finance related to current practice.

    Needs more methodology and more sports history to live up to its title

    The anthology «Methodology in Sports History», edited by Wray Vamplew and Dave Day (Routledge) seemed to be just what the supervisor ordered for a Ph.D. student at a crucial point in the dissertation process. For our reviewer Robert Svensson, however, it was somewhat of a disappointment. The book confuses method with methodology, and deals more with history in general than with sport history.

    Journal of Sports Economics, Vol. 19, 2018, No. 5

    Journal of Sports Economics (JSE), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, publishes scholarly research in the field of sports economics. The aim of the journal is to further research in the area of sports economics by bringing together theoretical and empirical research in a single intellectual venue.

    Handbook with several interesting contributions but not quite up to the competition

    Harry Arne Solberg reviews The Oxford Handbook of Sport Economics in two volumes, The Economics of Sports and Economics Through Sports, edited by Stephen Shmanske and Leo H. Kahane.

    “The quest for interdisciplinarity will have to wait for another day”

    The pursuit of interdisciplinarity in sport studies in the hope of breaking the natural and biosciences hegemony in the field is the objective of editor Joseph Maguire’s collected volume Social Sciences in Sport. Alan Bairner reviews the effort and finds much to appreciate, but apparently, this is not the holy grail that the social sciences of sport urgently need.
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