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    Call for Papers | “Organizing and Ownership in Professional Sport – Nordic Focus” – Track 6.5 at the 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference | Örebro University School of...

    While there is literature on the role of sport professionals (i.e. athletes, managers, club owners, sport scientists and psychologists, coaching staff etc.) in today’s sports industry, there seem to be less evidence in the existing literature on the significance and role of organizing/organization and professional ownership in sport, particularly in the Nordic region. This track invites theoretical and empirical studies, with several sub-topics in the field of sport management organization and ownership.

    Call for Papers | “Social Roles of Sport Organisations: developments, contexts and challenges” | Special Issue of European Journal for Sport and Society. Call ends August 27, 2018

    Sport organisations increasingly are expected and encouraged to take up a wider social role. Thus, sport organisations and sport clubs in particular, tend to be more involved in dealing with societal issues. Next to this social role for local communities, a number of sport organisations seem to be explicitly taking up their social responsibility, through an active position against organisational problems like exclusionary practices or corruption.

    Call for Papers | “Organizational Behavior in Sport Management” | Special Issue of Case Studies in Sport Management. Call ends December 1, 2018

    The aim of this special issue is to develop a library of teaching case studies appropriate for undergraduate and graduate courses in organizational behavior that can be used in case study pedagogy. The scope of this special issue is broad in terms of industry context, and the range of topics includes content commonly covered in organizational behavior courses.

    Call for Papers | “Sports Organizations and Organizing Sports: Critical Reflections” | International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) Annual Conference, June 5–8, 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland. Call ends January 12,...

    The aim of the main theme of this annual conference will be to address how the social sciences and sports organizations influence each other. This will be achieved by, on the one hand, considering how social science research is integrated into sports organizations, on the other hand, examining how sports organizations impact the social sciences.

    Call for Papers | “‘Sport Open’: Managing Integration, Migration and Multiculturalism in Sport” | Workshop at the EASM 2017 Conference, 5–8 September, in Bern (call ends 2017-04-20)

    The workshop will highlight issues and subjects related to integration, migration and multiculturalism. In this matter, sport is expected to play a significant part in relation to migration, culture and integration. Consequently, the proposed theme of the workshop is related to the present European situation, with a considerable amount of immigrants and refuges.

    Call for Papers | Challenges and Developments in Sport Organisations | The 25th EASM Conference, 5–8 September 2017, Bern & Magglingen, Switzerland

    The Scientific Committee of the 25th EASM Conference 2017 invites scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation. Additionally, the Scientific Committee welcomes short papers to be considered for the EASM Best Conference Paper Award 2017 and for the EASM New Researchers Award 2017 for young scientific scholars.

    Call for chapter proposals | Progress and stagnation of gender diversity in European sport leadership

    The purpose of the book is to bring together and to compare theoretical and empirical analyses of gendered leadership practices in sport governance and organizations in differing cultural contexts. Such a comprehensive analysis may broaden insights, expand current theorizing and enable new knowledges to emerge.

    Call for Papers | “Blurring Sector Boundaries & New Organizational Forms” | Special issue of Journal of Sport Management

    We invite submissions for this Special Issue that articulate the ways that sport organizations are responding and adapting their structure and values in response to contemporary issues. We also encourage submissions that explore whether current theoretical frameworks effectively represent the complexity of issues that stem from the erosion of sector walls.

    Førsteamanuensis/ førstelektor i idrettsvitenskap innen organisasjon, ledelse og læring til Høgskolen i Telemark

    Ved Fakultet for allmennvitenskapelige fag i Bø er det ledig en fast 100% stilling som førsteamanuensis/førstelektor i idrettsvitenskap innen organisasjon, ledelse og læring fra 1.9.2015, eller senere etter avtale. Stillingen er knyttet til Institutt for idretts- og friluftslivsfag.

    Call for Participation | Leveraging the Olympic Games for building sport organisations’ capacity | 2nd July 2015, Brunel University

    Leveraging the Olympic Games for building sport organisations’ capacity is an end of project conference. The project has been funded by the International Olympic Committee Olympic Studies Centre in the framework of the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme. The conference is organized by Brunel University, London, and Russian International Olympic University. It will take place in the Cavendish Room, Hamilton Centre, Brunel University, London. Conference Programme 08.30-09.30...