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    Tag: Sarah B. Williams

    New academic research closing in on the ref

    Managing and Developing Sports Officials: Officiating Excellence, edited by Tom Webb, David J. Hancock, Pamm Phillips & Jacob K. Tingle (Routledge), offers an evidence-based guide to the development, management, and retention of sports officials. Our reviewer is Stuart Carrington, whose 2019 book Blowing the Whistle: The Psychology of Football Refereeing places him well for the job. And he is quite satisfied with this crucial contribution to the literature around sports officials that more than meets its aim.

    Sport Management Education Journal, Volume 16, 2022, Issue 1 | Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Management Education

    SMEJ promotes advancement of the body of knowledge in pedagogy as it relates to sport management education and disseminates knowledge about sport management courses, curricula, and teaching. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Marshall Plan: How Diversity and Inclusion Transformed the Dallas Mavericks’ Organizational Culture by Mark A. Beattie, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe.

    Quest, Volume 70, 2018, Issue 2

    Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. Quest provides a public forum for scholarship, creative thought, and research relevant to a broad range of interests held by faculty and leaders in higher education today.
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