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    Journal of Applied Sport Management Vol. 5 No. 3

    The Journal of Applied Sport Management is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that provides cutting-edge applied research in the field of sport management. The mission of the journal is to develop, advance, disseminate, promote, and preserve knowledge within the academic discipline of sport management by providing an outlet that is both grounded in academic theory and driven by the needs of practitioners and the environment of the sport industry.

    SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education Vol 28, No 1 (2013)

    SCHOLE is the official refereed publication of the National Recreation and Park Association. The Journal aims to disseminate knowledge related to park and recreation courses, curricula, and teaching. Articles address a wide range of issues concerning graduate and undergraduate education.

    Journal of Applied Sport Management Vol. 5 No. 2

    Perceptions of Criminal and Gang Involvement Among College Student-Athletes Geoff Alpert, Jeff Rojek, Scott H. Decker, J. Andrew Hansen, Randy Shannon, Dan Radakovich, Ryan G. Alpert Soccer-Specific Stadiums and Attendance in Major League Soccer: Investigating the Novelty Effect Adam Love, Andreas N. Kavazis, Alan Morse, Kurt C. Mayer Jr. Exploring Organizational Identity and Interpersonal Conflict in Sport Organizations Shannon Kerwin Faculty Attitudes Toward Athletics at...

    Palaestra Vol. 27 No. 1

    PALAESTRA is a quarterly publication designed to be a single responsible source of valuable information for those interested in sport, physical education, and recreation involving individuals with disabilities.

    Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science Vol. 10 No. 1, 2013

    Global Forum for Physical Education Pedagogy 2012: Recommendations for Community-Based Networking Christopher Edginton, Ming-Kai Chin, Roland Naul, Mary C. Herring The Effect of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage on Shock Dissipation During Treadmill Running Nicholas Blackah, Elizabeth J. Bradshaw, Justin G. Kemp, Mehrnaz Shoushtarian Combined Effects of a Circuit Training Programme and Chocolate Malt Drink Supplementation on Immune Functions in Young Males Cai Yan Liew, Foong...

    The Physical Educator Vol. 70 No. 2

    Analyzing the Learning of the Taking Personal and Social Responsibility Model Within a New Physical Education Undergraduate Degree Program in El Salvador Mauro H. André, James L. Mandigo Greek Undergraduate Physical Education Students' Basic Computer Skills Manolis Adamakis, Katerina Zounhia Effects of Interventions Based in Behavior Analysis on Motor Skill Acquisition: A Meta-Analysis Andrew E. Alstot, Minsoo Kang, Crystal D. Alstot Using Effective Language Regarding...

    Journal of Applied Sport Management Vol. 5 No. 1

    Articles Discovering Dysfunction in Title IX Implementation: NCAA Administrator Literacy, Responsibility, and Fear Ellen Staurowsky, Erianne A. Weight Joining the Team: A Case Study Identifying and Assessing Critical Factors Influencing NCAA Division III Student-Athlete Matriculation Daniel D. Covell, Marilyn K. Pelosi, Jodi Lemoi An Examination of Work-Family Conflict in NCAA Division III and NAIA Sports Information Professionals Laura M. Hatfield, Jeffrey T. Johnson Impact of Intercollegiate...

    Call for Papers till ny tidskrift – Journal of Applied Sport Management

    Journal of Applied Sport Management (JASM) was originally launched as the Journal of Sport Administration and Supervision (JSAS), founded in 2009 by Dr. Colby Jubenville of (Middle Tennessee State University) and Dr. Benjamin Goss (Missouri State University). JSAS was established as an online journal with an applied focus and was published once annually from 2009-2012 (Volume 1: April 2009; Volume 2: April 2010;...
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