Tag: Robert C. Schneider
Journal of Sport & Tourism, Volume 23, 2019, Issue 2–3
The Journal of Sport & Tourism (JS&T) aims to publish research that makes a clear contribution, substantively, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge relating to all aspects of the relationship between sport and tourism. Editor’s pick from the current issue: IMAGE DIMENSIONS OF TWO SCANDINAVIAN ENDURANCE WINTER SPORT EVENTS by Kristine Blekastad Sagheim & Øystein Aas. OPEN ACCESS.
Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, Volume 76, Issue 1
Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research is an open access journal with a wide scope encompassing sociology, history, philosophy and other disciplines within the social sciences and humanities. It’s the journal of Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw and International Society for the Social Sciences of Sport.