Tag: ras
Sport in Society Volume 17, Issue 8, October 2014
The considerable growth of interest in commerce, media and politics in the modern world and their relationship to sport in international academia has resulted in academics in various disciplines writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. Special issue: The Scope of Belonging? Sport, Race and Ethnicity.
Call for Papers: Passing the Ball – Race and Sports Conference
Passing the Ball: Race and Sports Conference is an annual event that aims to improve the sports industry and the areas of American life it affects by critically examining and discussing the major issues that surround the intersections of race and sport; educating attendees on the prevalent racial problems that exist in the sporting industries; and developing ways to...
Soccer & Society Volume 14, Issue 3, May 2013
Special Issue: Football, Race and Ethnicity
David Hassan
Pages: 291-295
DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2013.801261
Institutional racism, whiteness and the under-representation of minorities in leadership positions in football in Europe
Steven Bradbury
Pages: 296-314
DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2013.801262
‘El Clasico’ and the demise of tradition in Spanish club football: perspectives on shifting patterns of cultural identity
Jim O’Brien
Pages: 315-330
DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2013.801263
Geographical typology of European football rivalries
Seweryn Dmowski
Pages: 331-343
DOI: 10.1080/14660970.2013.801264
A team like no ‘Other’: the racialized...
Första numret av Oppositional Conversations handlar om idrott!
Dear colleagues,
We're writing to make you aware of a new online journal project entitled Oppositional Conversations. Founded by a small group of scholars of color, Oppositional Conversations provides a space for free-flowing, creative exchange and analysis around themes of interest to individual guest editors. The premiere issue of the journal is available via this link:
We are pleased to share Oppositional Conversations with...
Sport in Society Volume 15, Issue 7, September 2012
Special Issue: Indigenous People, Race Relations and Australian Sport
Indigenous studies and race relations in Australian sports
Chris Hallinan & Barry Judd
Pages: 915-921
DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2012.723350
Aborigines, sport and suicide
Colin Tatz
Pages: 922-935
DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2012.723352
Indigeneity and the performance of corporeal masculinities in the Australian Football League
Amanda Kearney
Pages: 936-951
DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2012.723354
Bridging the Indigenous health divide: football and men engaging
Brian F. McCoy
Pages: 952-964
DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2012.723356
Warlpiri warriors: Australian Rules football in Central...