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    Vacancy | Professor at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University | Application deadline January 27, 2025

    As a Professor at the Department of Public Health, you will be part of an ambitious and internationally recognised department, where we collaborate to advance public health through research focused on the promotion of health and the prevention, treatment and alleviation of disease. We engage in broad collaborations internally and externally, sharing our knowledge with citizens, decision-makers, public and private sector businesses, and other researchers nationally and internationally.

    Ledigt stilling | Professor/førsteamanuensis i idrettsvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder | Søknadsfrist 30 april 2024

    Den som ansettes skal undervise på vår bachelor i idrett og master i idrettsvitenskap og eventuelt Ph.d.-programmet, primært innenfor treningsfysiologi (gjerne muskelfysiologi), grunnleggende treningslære, styrketrening og bevegelseslære. Vedkommende må også regne med å ha praktisk undervisning i andre idretter/aktiviteter utover styrketrening. Teoriundervisning i andre idrettsrelaterte emner eller forskningsmetode er også aktuelt. Veiledning av masterstudenter og Ph.d.-kandidater må påberegnes.

    Vacancy | Professor in Sports Pedagogy | Malmö University. Apply no later than 2022-08-01

    As a professor in sports pedagogy, you will conduct research, teach, and carry out collaborative activities within the area of sport pedagogy. Professors conduct research 30 per cent of their time; for this position an extra 20 per cent financing is being offered via direct government funding for research, for the first four years. As a professor you will contribute actively to the department’s research environment as a whole by leading research teams and scientific seminars.

    Vacancy | Professor in Pedagogy /Developmental Psychology to the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences | Apply before February 14, 2022

    The successful candidate will be expected to document extensive research from the field of developmental psychology with pedagogical relevance to PE and PE Teacher Education. We are looking for a professor who has an excellent track record in research designed to help children and youth reach their full potential in general, and in the areas of self-worth, self- perception, resilience, needs satisfaction, and emotional well-being in particular.

    Vacancy | Professor(s) at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University | Apply by September 13, 2021

    As Professor at Department of Public Health, you will be part of an ambitious and internationally recognised department, where we work together to promote public health through research into prevention, treatment or alleviation of disease. We are involved in broad collaborations both internally and externally. We share our knowledge with citizens, decision-makers, public and private sector businesses and other researchers - both nationally and internationally.

    Vacancy | Professor in Pedagogy / Science of Education / Sport Pedagogy, to the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences | Apply before January 23, 2021

    Our institute seeks an ambitious professor who is expected to have strong credentials in the academic disciplines in question. As an active researcher, the appointee should be engaged in national/international grant applications, scientific publication and dissemination, research-based teaching, development of new courses or contributing to existing courses at all three levels of university education, supervision of students, mentoring of young researchers, and research leadership roles.

    Ledig tjänst | Professor i pedagogik med inriktning mot idrott, Umeå universitet | Ansök senast 2020-11-16

    Bedömningsgrunden vetenskaplig skicklighet avser självständiga forskningsinsatser, förmågan att erhålla forskningsmedel i konkurrens med andra forskare, förmåga att planera och leda vetenskaplig verksamhet, dokumenterat nationellt och internationellt forskningssamarbete, publicering samt förmåga att kommunicera forskning med det omgivande samhället. Skicklighet visas också genom ledarskap i forskningsprojekt och framgångsrik handledning.

    Ledig tjänst | Professor i idrottsvetenskap, inriktning sport management och coaching, till Örebro universitet. Ansök senast 2020-09-30

    Som ett led i den fortsatta utvecklingen av verksamheten vid enheten för idrott söker vi någon som känner stort engagemang för att leda och utveckla vår utbildning och forskning inom sport management och coaching. En professor ägnar i normalfallet merparten av sin arbetstid åt forskning, ska även aktivt verka för att externa forskningsmedel tillförs ämnet, ta ett övergripande ansvar för forskningsverksamheten inom ämnet samt följa ämnets internationella utveckling.

    Vacancy | Assistant professor or associate professor of dance | University of Southern Denmark. Application deadline: March 15, 2020

    The position includes teaching and supervising student projects in the programs offered, with a focus on both undergraduate and Master programs. The successful applicant will be responsible for one or two of these programs. Accordingly, a strong teaching portfolio in different dance practices, including for example community dance, Laban, creative dance activities and social dance forms, will be valued.

    Vacancy: Professor/Associate Professor in Sports Biomechanics at Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. Apply before February 21, 2020

    The department is seeking to appoint a highly skilled and motivated professor/associate professor to provide academic teaching, and to conduct and coordinate research within the field of Sports Biomechanics at NIH. The candidate must have a strong international research profile in sports research and topics that fits with the profile and the present equipment at the department.