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    Public defence of doctoral thesis | Healthism and professional identity: Group fitness instructors navigating health discourses | Karin Andersson, Malmö University, September 9, 2024

    Karin Andersson’s mixed methods dissertation employs a survey, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions to investigate the health consciousness of Les Mills International (LMI) group fitness instructors. Using Foucauldian concepts such as discourse and bio-power, the study examines instructors’ construction of their professional identity, and the link between professional identity and healthism, a discourse that promulgates health as an individual responsibility.

    Call for Papers | Frontiers Research Topic: “Sport, Power and Policies”. Call ends November 7, 2022

    The Research Topic ‘Sport, Power and Policies’ invites contributors to consider the complex relationships between Sport, the exercise of ‘Soft Power’ and the impact on government policies in a contemporary context, although historical perspectives and case studies will also be considered. The research aims to take a fresh look at this seminal concept from the mid-1990s in the light of the changing geopolitical landscape. We hope to draw in contributions from a range of sports, including football, cricket, rugby, athletics, et al.

    Call fo Papers | “Sport, Power and Politics: the challenges in a changing global structure” – Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group | University of...

    We invite empirical, theoretical and methodological papers from postgraduate students, early-career researchers, established academics and practitioners that address and interrogate, from a critical and global perspective, cultural, social, political and experiential frameworks of sport. Contributions from disciplines of public policy, sociology, politics, economics, anthropology, cultural studies, history, communication, law and psychology are welcome.

    Call fo Papers | “Sport, Power and Politics: the challenges in a changing global structure” – the 2nd International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group |...

    We invite empirical, theoretical and methodological papers from postgraduate students, early-career researchers, established academics and practitioners that address and interrogate, from a critical and global perspective, cultural, social, political and experiential frameworks of sport. Contributions from disciplines of public policy, sociology, politics, economics, anthropology, cultural studies, history, communication, law and psychology are welcome.

    Call for Participation | Sport and Society: Power, Inequality and Technology | PhD Course, 7,5 ECTS, September 17–20, 2019, Nord University, Bodø, Norway

    The aim of this PhD course is to provide PhD students with more in-depth knowledge about three central aspects within social scientific inquiry into sport today: power, inequality and technology (e.g. how technology enables the development of new sports, understanding the link between power relations and social inequality in sport, and considering the role of new technology in how we understand and analyze sport).

    Forskarprofil | Hanna Söderlund, Umeå universitet

    Hanna Söderlund forskar om förhandlingar av maktpositioner och kön i skidsport på tv. Det som undersöks är hur kvinnliga och manliga idrottare och experter kan förhandla sig till starka maktpositioner i tv-sändningar från skid-VM I Lahti. Tidigare har hon forskat om hur kvinnliga och manliga komiker kan förhandla sig till starka maktpositioner i tv-programmet Parlamentet på TV4.

    Pär Rylander disputerar: Tränares makt över spelare i lagidrotter – sett ur French och Ravens maktbasteori

    Pär Rylander disputerar vid Institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, fredagen den 7 novemeber klockan 13.00, i Pedagogen Hus C, Margareta Hvitfeldts sal, på avhandlingen Tränares makt över spelare i lagidrotter – sett ur French och Ravens maktbasteori. Tränaren spelar en central roll inom idrotten och antas bland annat ha stor betydelse för spelares prestationer och upplevelser av sitt idrottande. Trots detta är...

    Call for Papers | Special Issue | The Political Arena: Power and Political Behavior in Sport Organizations

    Special Issue of Journal of Applied Sport Management The Political Arena: Power and Political Behavior in Sport Organizations Guest Editors:  Marshall J. Magnusen, PhD, Baylor University Samuel Todd, PhD, Georgia Southern University Politics is about influence and those who influence. From Fortune 500 companies to collegiate athletic departments and professional sport organizations, power and organizational politics are an entrenched component of nearly all work settings....

    The International Journal of the History of Sport Volume 31, Issue 3, February 2014

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Special Issue Sport and Nationalism in Asia - Power, Politics and Identity
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