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    The full programme for Play the Game’s anniversary edition 2022 is ready

    When several hundred international journalists, academics, sport leaders, athletes and others with an interest in international sports politics convene in Odense for the 2022 edition of Play the Game, it happens at a dramatic turning point in sports politics. After a major doping scandal and the invasion in Ukraine, Russia's power in sport is shrinking, and the question of who and what will fill the power gap left behind will be prominent on the conference’s agenda.

    Pressmeddelande | Play the Game fejrer 25 år på dramatisk tidspunkt i idrætspolitik

    Det var i 1997, at Jens Sejer Andersen tog initiativ til den første konference for journalister og andre med interesse for idrættens økonomi, kultur, politik og andre oversete emner. Hurtigt blev Play the Game et ’hjem for de hjemløse spørgsmål i sport’: Emner som korruption i de internationale idrætsforbund, organiseret doping, matchfixing, seksuelle overgreb og krænkelser af menneskerettighederne ved store events.

    Call for Papers | “Athlete power on the rise”, Play the Game 2019 | Colorado Springs, CO, October 13–16, 2019. Call ends April 23, 2019

    Play the Game 2019 invites athletes, sports officials, governments, academics, journalists, industry official and all other stakeholders in sport to share your knowledge, experience and opinions in Colorado Springs, from 13-16 October – at the 11th edition of a conference that has a history of more than 20 years as a cutting edge forum for independent and fact-based sports debate.

    Sæt X ved datoen 18/9-18: Good Governance i dansk idræt – hvor gode er vi egentlig? 

    Her offentliggør vi de danske resultater fra det internationale National Sports Governance Observer-projekt, som undersøger ledelseskulturen i ni europæiske lande og Brasilien. DBU’s formand, Jesper Møller, og DIF-formand og næstformand i de Europæiske Olympiske Komitéer Niels Nygaard er blandt de der vil diskutere de danske resultater og pege på forbedringspotentialet i egne rækker.

    Call for Papers | The 10th International Play the Game Conference | Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 26–30, 2017. Call ends August 7, 2017

    Play the Game is a unique forum for networking and professional exchange between 3-400 researchers, journalists, whistle-blowers, sports officials and people from the sports industry. We invite you, too, to submit an abstract/storyline and give your contribution to a more informed sports debate on a number of vital issues for modern sport.

    Call for Papers | “Global sport: Reform or revolution?” | Play the Game, 26-29 October 2015, Aarhus, Denmark

    For the ninth time Play the Game invites you to engage in open, fact-based and constructive debates on themes that are essential to the future of sport. Share your expertise at Play the Game 2015, to be held 26-29 October in Aarhus, Denmark.

    Extended abstract deadline: Play the Game 2013 – Stepping up for democracy in sport

    Helnan Marselis Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark, 28-31 October 2013 New deadline, June 15 2013. Today, more than ever before, the world looks with great concern at sport and its organisations. Cases of corruption, match-fixing, doping and other unethical practices are accumulating, putting sport's credibility under pressure. Time is up for all stakeholders in sport to engage in open and unrestricted debates, so we can continuously develop...

    Governance seminar presentations now available for download

    Presentations from the one-day seminar 'The Challenge for Europe in the Governance of Sport' have now been made available for download. Under the title 'The Challenge for Europe in the Governance of Sport', leading experts on sports governance from five different EU-funded governance projects presented their findings yesterday at a seminar in Brussels. The seminar was hosted by Play the Game/Danish...

    Sports Governance Observer: A new tool against corruption in sport

      Sports organisations who want to curb corruption and mismanagement in their own ranks, will soon have a tool developed by experts at their hand: The Sports Governance Observer. At a seminar attended by over 100 sports organisation leaders and experts in Brussels on April 8, the Sports Governance Observer was launched by a group of experts from six European universities...

    Call for Papers: Play the Game 2013 – Stepping up for Democracy in Sport

    Play the Game 2013 Call for Papers Stepping up for democracy in sport Helnan Marselis Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark, 28-31 October 2013 Today, more than ever before, the world looks with great concern at sport and its organisations. Cases of corruption, match-fixing, doping and other unethical practices are accumulating, putting sport’s credibility under pressure. Time is up for all stakeholders in sport to engage in open...
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