Tag: play practice
International Journal of Play, Volume 12, 2023, Issue 2
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The relationship between school-age children’s perceptions of their playfulness and interoceptive awareness: an exploratory study by Laura House, Ted Brown & Mong-Lin Yu.
Call for Papers | “Postcolonial Approaches to Play Theories and Practices”, the 6th International Philosophy at Play Conference | Complutense University, Madrid, June 3–5, 2024. Call ends October...
For some time, we have been discussing questions of power and marginalization and of a relative absence in the conferences regarding the philosophical perspectives of the disempowered. This Conference therefore aims to offer a space for dialogue around and across relations of oppression, marginalization and erasure that we hope can get us beyond the dangers of appropriation and exploitation.
International Journal of Play, Volume 12, 2023, Issue 1 | The Evolution and Ontogeny of Play: Comparative Perspectives
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Play fighting (rough-and-tumble play) in children: developmental and evolutionary perspectives by Peter K. Smith & Jennifer M. StGeorge (open access).
International Journal of Play, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 4
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Time, culture, and mass play by Felix Lebed.
International Journal of Play, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 3
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Play attitude and moods of play: a design-based inquiry into the affective nature and importance of play by Lars Geer Hammershøj.
International Journal of Play, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 2
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Senate Bill 847: the implementation of New Jersey’s recess law in elementary schools by Edward B. Olsen, Emi Tsuda, James D. Wyant, Zach Gerken, Ian Capp, Gabriella Smith & Nestor Conforti.
International Journal of Play, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 1 | Play: Resilience and Vulnerability in Difficult Circumstances, pt. 2
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Navigating play in a pandemic: examining children’s outdoor neighborhood play experiences by Cassie J. Brownell.
International Journal of Play, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 4 | Play: Resilience and Vulnerability in Difficult Circumstances
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Liberated through teddy bears: resistance, resourcefulness, and resilience in toy play during the COVID-19 pandemic by Katriina Heljakka (open access)i.
International Journal of Play, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 3
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: In defense of play: children’s play preferences and thoughts about play prohibition by Nilgün Cevher-Kalburan & Asiye İvrendi.
International Journal of Play, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 2 | The Play Scholarship of Yrjö Hirn
IJP aims to provide an international forum for mono- and multi-disciplinary papers and scholarly debate on all aspects of play theory, policy and practice from across the globe and across the lifespan, and in all kinds of cultural settings, institutions and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: This is no Child’s Play: Yrjo Hirn, savage slots and other anthropological hernias by Osei Alleyne.