Tag: parasport
Call for Papers | Et Forum for idræt blandt mennesker med nedsat funktionsevne | Deadline 11. oktober 2024
Gennem de sidste år har vi fået oparbejdet en større kvantitativ og kvalitativ national viden om, hvilke idræts-motiver og barrierer mennesker med nedsat funktionsevne oplever. Til trods for vores større viden, ser det ikke ud til, at forskere, forbund og praktikere endnu har løst de inklusions- og deltagelsesudfordringer som denne målgruppe og idrætslivet sammen står overfor. Derfor har vi på redaktionen for Forum for Idræt taget initiativ til et temanummer om idræt blandt mennesker med nedsat funktionsevne.
Vacancy | Research Assistant (Doctoral Researcher Ph.D. Candidate) at the Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies at the German Sport University Cologne | Apply no later than July 25,...
The Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies at the German Sport University Cologne announces the availability of a position starting as soon as possible as Research Assistant (Doctoral Researcher Ph.D. Candidate) during which you will by preparing and conducting a research project in the field of parasport. The position is a qualification position which serves to support the completion of a doctoral degree. This position is limited for the duration of the doctoral procedure, but initially for a maximum period of 3 years.
Ny avhandling från GIH | Towards evidence-based classification in para-cycling av Johanna Liljedahl
I sin avhandling Mot evidensbaserad klassificering i paracykel har Johanna Liljedahl undersökt hur olika typer av funktionsnedsättningar påverkar prestationen inom paracykling. Paracykling utövas av atleter med olika typer av funktionsnedsättning, och klassificeringarna är till för att minimera påverkan av funktionsnedsättningar på prestationen och syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka hur olika typer av funktionsnedsättningar påverkar prestationer inom paracykling.
Call for Participation | Lecture by Professor Brett Smith, Durham University: “Disability sport and social justice – A possibility for para-athletes?” | University of Copenhagen, November 12, 2019
Brett Smith is a Professor and Director of Research at the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences Durham University, UK. Since gaining his PhD on disability, sport, physical activity and wellbeing in 2003, Brett has continued to conduct research in these areas. Reflecting a passion to cross disciplinary boundaries, his research draws on psychology, sociology, and critical disability studies.
Funded PhD opportunity: From Stoke Mandeville 1944 to London 2012: Photography and the Making of the Paralympic Community in Britain
This project will make a theoretical and practical intervention in current debates in disability history, photographic history and sports history. While scholars have examined the media coverage of Paralympic athletes, the visual history of the Paralympic movement is yet to be written.
Call for Papers | The 20th International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA) “Adapted Physical Activity: Integration and Diversification” | June 11–15, 2015
The 20th International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA), ‘Adapted Physical Activity: Integration and Diversification’, is endorsed by the International Federation of Adapted Physical Activity (IFAPA)