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    Sport in Society, Volume 27, 2024, Issue 12 | Professionalisation of sport coaching from a Scandinavian horizon

    Academics in various disciplines are writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Coaching by doing: communities of practice at Swedish sport schools in XC skiing since the 1970s by Daniel Svensson (open access).

    An exemplary collection that captures the essence and intricacies of Nordic football culture

    Mihaly Szerovay and colleagues’ edited collection Football in the Nordic Countries: Practices, Equality and Influence (Routledge) explores football culture, organisation and development in the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Norway. To our reviewer Payam Ansari, the anthology offers a rich, multifaceted exploration of football on national, “glocal”, and global levels, making it a valuable addition to the field of sports sociology and a beacon for future research on football.

    Kropslig læring – et levende og foranderligt fænomen

    Kroppsligt lärande kom in som ett nytt begrepp i den norska läroplanen 2020. Författarna till antologin Kroppslig læring: Perspektiver og praksiser, redigerad av Østern, Bjerke, Engelsrud & Sørum (Universitetsforlaget), utforskar begreppet utifrån olika teoretiska traditioner, ämnes- och yrkesutövningar. Med utgångspunkt i nationell och internationell forskning presenterar och diskuterar författarna flera perspektiv på, och praktiker inom, kroppsligt lärande. Boken välkomnas varmt av vår recensent Helle Winther.

    ‘You create your own luck, in a way’. About Norwegian footballers’ understanding of success, in a world where most fail | A summary

    In this feature article, Pål Augestad, Mats Bruu and Frode Telseth summarize their recent article from Soccer & Society in which they present the results of a study trying to find out why some young and ambitious football talents succeed in their quest to become professional players while the overwhelming majority does not. Is it deliberate practice and successful talent development? Or maybe just plain luck? They asked the players that made it what they thought.

    Soccer & Society, Volume 22, 2021, Issue 3

    Soccer, a.k.a (association) football is the most popular mass spectator sport in the world. Soccer & Society is the first international journal devoted to the game of soccer, and aims to focus on the game in the context of a more global world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘YOU CREATE YOUR OWN LUCK, IN A WAY’ ABOUT NORWEGIAN FOOTBALLERS’ UNDERSTANDING OF SUCCESS, IN A WORLD WHERE MOST FAIL by Pål Augestad, Mats Bruu & Frode Telseth.

    An examination of the Nordic model of welfare and physical culture, reviewed by someone who’s been there, done that

    Edited by Mikkel B. Tin, Frode Telseth, Jan Ove Tangen & Richard Giulianotti, and published by Routledge, The Nordic Model and Physical Culture examines the relationships between the Nordic social democratic welfare system and physical culture, across the domains of sport, education, and public space. Our reviewer is Joe Piggin. He has been physically active in almost all Nordic countries – and he quite likes this book.

    Antologi som problematiserar maskulinitet och femininitet inom idrott och fritid

    Suzanne Lundvall recenserar Kjønnsmakt i idrett og friluftsliv, en antologi med bidrag från en hyllningskonferensen till Gerd von der Lippe som fyllde 70 år 2012. Redaktörer är festföremålet själv med Hans Hognestad, och vår recensent är mycket nöjd.
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