Tag: Nordic sports
Call for Papers | Sports and Foreign Politics: The Nordic Small States during the Cold War | Workshop, Stockholm University, November 2024. Call ends April 1. 2024
To enhance the small state and Nordic perspective on international sports politics, we are inviting scholars from all disciplines to a workshop at Stockholm University, planned to take place in November 2024. The topic is the relationship between sport and foreign policy in the Nordic Countries during the Cold War. This topic should be understood broadly, both as the efforts of government agencies to use sports to promote their policies, and debates and strategies to handle questions in relation to foreign politics among sports federations and athletes.
Call for Papers | “Transformations, Challenges and Potentials in Nordic Sport”, a session at the NORA 2022 Conference | Oslo, June 20–22, 2022
The current challenges of Nordic sport organizations, including gendered discrimination, racialization, homophobia and ableism, call upon innovative research that engages with the epistemologies and ontologies of sport, sex and gender. To address such complex issues interdisciplinary discussions are especially needed. The session invites papers engaging with contemporary tensions, challenges and potentials in Nordic sport.