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    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 59, 2024, No. 5

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Unicorns, rainbows, and unicorn magic: Storying new knowledge of black masculinities within the WWE by Nikolas Dickerson (open access).

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 58, 2023, No. 2

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: FIFA’s utopia: An analysis of FIFA’s football for hope movement by Shawn D. Forde.

    Journal of Sport for Development, Vol. 9, 2021, Issue 2

    JSFD’s mission is to examine, advance and disseminate evidence, best practices, and lessons learned from Sport for Development programmes and interventions. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Exploring the Impact of Soccer Camp on Social Identity for Youth with Cerebral Palsy by Rio James, Skye Gerald Arthur-Banning, Margaret Domka.

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 56, 2021, No. 2

    IRSS is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, as well as book and media reviews. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: BETWEEN SECURITY AND FESTIVITY: THE CASE OF FAN ZONES by Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen.

    Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, Volume 10, 2018, Issue 3

    Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health is a landmark publication – it is the first international journal solely dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of qualitative research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences. Open to all qualitative approaches, QRSEH aims to be eclectic in content. It will publish refereed articles covering the diverse landscape of qualitative research.
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