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    Tag: Megan L. Parietti

    Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Volume 4, 2022, Issue 2

    JADE was founded to publish and promote research that focuses on people over profits. Editor’s pick from the current issue: The The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Organizational Support Factors for Minor League Baseball Player Development by Christopher M. McLeod, Nola Agha, and Simon Rosenblum-Larson.

    Recreational Sports Journal, Vol. 43, 2019, Issue 1

    The Recreational Sports Journal is the scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of the NIRSA Foundation. Its purpose is to provide a source of empirical, theoretical, and applied research to the field of recreational sports. Topics include student development, programming, and organizational development.

    Journal of Amateur Sport, Volume 3, 2017, No 3: Family Issues in Amateur Athletics

    The Journal of Amateur Sport (JAS) provides scholars with an outlet in which to share scholarship relevant to the amateur sports realm. We define amateur sport as those who participate and govern at the youth, recreational, community, international, and intercollegiate level.
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