Tag: Malte Nejst Larsen
Managing Sport and Leisure, Volume 26, 2021, Issue 4
Managing Sport and Leisure is a refereed journal that publishes high quality research articles to inform and stimulate discussions relevant to sport and leisure management globally. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Advancing positive youth development-focused coach education: contextual factors of youth sport and youth sport leader perceptions by Tarkington J. Newman, Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe, Mark Burch & Lauren M. Paluta.
Laudable ambitions, disappointing results
In this original review for idrottsforum.org by Dominic Malcolm, Peter Krustrup’s long-awaited summing-up of 17 years of research around the health benefits of football, Football as Medicine: Prescribing Football for Global Health Promotion, edited with Daniel Parnell (Routledge), is critically assessed. While commending the basic premise of the book and its trust in football as medicine, he regrets the lack of critical perspectives.
Krop til bevægelse af nødvendighed med udtryk
Det är av Ejgil Jespersens recension att döma en viktig och nyttig bok för idrottslärare och idrottslärarutbildare, antologin Motion og bevægelse i skolen sammanställd av Jens-Ole Jensen, Henrik Taarsted Jørgensen och Esben Stilund Volshøj (Hans Reitzels Forlag). Den följer på en skolreform i Danmark som ger alla barn i genomsnitt 45 minuters motion och rörelse varje skoldag.