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    Tag: London-OS 2012

    The International Journal of the History of Sport Volume 30, Issue 15, October 2013

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.

    Sex Testing, Naked Inspections and the Olympic Games – A Correction to The London 2012 Olympics: A Gender Equality Audit.

    In October 2012, Peter Donnelly of University of Toronto employed expertise crowdsourcing to get help checkning the facts in a report, "Gender Equality Audit of the London 2012 Olympics", by himself and Michele K. Donnelly. We published his request, and were subsequently able to make the report available to the readership, in April 2013.. Download THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS: A GENDER...

    The International Journal of the History of Sport Volume 30, Issue 7, April 2013

    Special Issue: The London Olympic Games: European Perspectives Article  In the Shadow of Myron: The Impact of the Discobolus on Representations of Olympic Sport from Victorian Britain to Contemporary China Mike O'Mahony Pages: 693-718 DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2012.657628 Modern Pentathlon at the London 2012 Olympics: Between Traditional Heritage and Modern Changes for Survival Sandra Heck Pages: 719-735 DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2013.782485 London is Just Around the Corner: Belgium, Britain and Sport Pascal Delheye, Stijn Knuts & Thomas...

    Peter Donnelly fick sin ”expertise crowdsourcing” och här är rapporten!

    I oktober 2012 efterlyste Peter Donnelly, välbekant idrottsforskare vid University of Toronto, experthjälp för att faktagranska en rapport, "Gender Equality Audit of the London 2012 Olympics". Vi publicerade hans önskan om "expertise crowdsourcing", och i ett brev till forumet tackar han för hjälpen och översänder den färdiga rapporten.   Ladda ner THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS: A GENDER EQUALITY AUDIT här!

    The International Journal of the History of Sport Volume 30, Issue 4, February 2013

    Special Issue: From Beijing to London - Delivering Olympic and Elite Sport in a Cross Cultural Context Miscellany Acknowledgement Fan Hong & Lu Zhouxiang Pages: 337-337 DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2013.776354 Articles  The Olympics and Elite Sport Policy: Where Will It All End? Barrie Houlihan & Jinming Zheng Pages: 338-355 DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2013.765726 Athlete Development, Athlete Rights and Athlete Welfare: A European Union Perspective Ian Henry Pages: 356-373 DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2013.765721 A Study of the Relationship Between Elite Athletes' Educational...

    Veckans olympiska Routledge-tema: Olympics before Coubertin

    Routledge har skapat en olympisk temasida där man samlar artiklar och böcker ut förlagets omfattande idrottsforskningsutgivning kring ett visst tema. Topic of the week: Olympics before Coubertin by Martin Polley, University of Southampton, UK Twitter: @MartinPolley2 If the Olympic Games were started from scratch today, I would bet my life savings on the fact that they would not be named after a pagan festival that died out in...

    Veckans olympiska Routledge-tema: Olympic Cities

    Routledge har skapat en olympisk temasida där man samlar artiklar och böcker ut förlagets omfattande idrottsforskningsutgivning kring ett visst tema. Topic of the week: Olympic Cities “Once an Olympic City”, declared IOC President Jacques Rogge in 2007, “always an Olympic City”. It was a challenging statement, but had an important kernel of truth. Staging the Olympics, especially the Summer Games, confers membership of an...

    Veckans olympiska Routledge-tema: History and Philosophy

    Routledge har skapat en olympisk temasida där man samlar artiklar och böcker ut förlagets omfattande idrottsforskningsutgivning kring ett visst tema. Recent publications from Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games... HISTORY Introduction: Britain, Britons and the Olympic Games Martin Polley FREE ACCESS ‘Hey Pal! Who Won the Marathon?’ The Illustrated London News's Coverage of Sport in 1908, an Olympic Year Iain Adams & Mitchell J. Larson Massaging the Amateur...

    Veckans olympiska Routledge-tema: Art and Culture

    Routledge har skapat en olympisk temasida där man samlar artiklar och böcker ut förlagets omfattande idrottsforskningsutgivning kring ett visst tema. Recent publications in Art and Culture from Routledge Online Studies on the Olympic and Paralympic Games... ART Seeing the Olympics: images, spaces, legacies Peter Coles, Caroline Knowles & Darren Newbury FREE ACCESS The Cut Chris Dorley-Brown Olympian visions Alessandra Chilá Photography against the Olympic spectacle Isaac Marrero-Guillamón The 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony: visual...

    Veckans Routledge-tema: Sporting Highlights of Team GB in the 2012 Olympic Games

    Routledge har skapat en temasida där man samlar artiklar och böcker ut förlagets omfattande idrottsforskningsutgivning kring ett visst tema. Team GB gave an exceptional performance at the 2012 Olympic Games. With 65 medals in the Olympics and 120 in the Paralympics (more on the Paralympics next week), Team GB achieved some truly memorable moments. 2012 Olympic Games Cycling  Sir Chris Hoy represented Team...
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