Tag: legacy
Special Issue and Online Launch | “Olympic Diplomacy as Contestation: The Legacy of the Beijing Olympics”, Special Core in The International Spectator, Volume 58, Issue 2, 2023
This event aims at giving selected speakers and the public a fruitful occasion to discuss the relationship between sport and International Relations in an increasingly fragmented world. Within this context, The International Spectator, the peer-reviewed journal of IAI, presents its latest Issue (June 2023) and the Special Core “Olympic Diplomacy as Contestation: The Legacy of the Beijing Olympics”.
Call for Participation | Post-Olympics Japan: Renewal or Failure? | Online Workshop, October 7–8, 2021
Two months after the Olympic Games 2021, we would like to hold an online workshop on 7–8 October about the impact of the Games and the gap between original aspirations and concrete results. Therefore, we will have sessions on the following topics: the political economy of Olympics, political communication, historic perspectives, diversity, social movements and voluntarism, technology and innovation, mass media and public discourse. Our panel discussion at the end of the Workshop tackles the question: “What remains?”
Call for Papers | “Understanding Socio-Cultural Effects of Mega-Events on Host Communities: Key Findings, Challenges, and Opportunities”, Special Issue of Social Sciences. Call ends August 8, 2021
The rationale for this Special Issue is to contribute to knowledge with a collection of papers on socio-cultural outcomes and impacts as effects of mega-events on host communities from a multidisciplinary perspective. We will explore the methodological and conceptual challenges such work poses, and showcase opportunities and efforts for mitigating the unsustainable aspects of mega-event policies and practices.
Call for Papers | 2018 Sporting Heritage Conference | The Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool, November 14–15 2018. Call ends May 31, 2018
The conference theme is a celebration and sharing of the impact of sporting heritage across a wide range of agendas. We're looking for contributions to the conference which echo this theme and help to generate a wide understanding of the role and value of sporting heritage – this could be in the form of case studies, policy contexts, or discussion papers
Call for Abstracts | Legacies and Mega Events: Fact or Fairy Tales? | Coventry University, November 9–10, 2017. Call ends August 21, 207
To mark the end of the 4-year EU funded Carnival project and the launch of a new edited book, also titled 'Legacies and Mega Events: Fact or Fairy Tales?', the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University proudly present an international inter-disciplinary conference for academics and practitioners.
Call for Papers | “Olympic Winter Games and Legacy” | 9th International Sport Business Symposium, Chuncheon, Korea, during the XXIII. Olympic Winter Games, February 2018. Call ends April 15th,...
This call for abstracts is directed to researchers of all disciplines. The 9th International Sport Business Symposium calls for research papers directly related to the business of the Olympic Games; the upcoming 2018 Olympic Winter Games, as well as prior and future Olympic, Youth, and Paralympic Games.
Call for Applications | Researcher Links Workshop: Sport and Social Transformation in Brazil | 10-13 March, 2015
Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP (2004/50504-8) will be holding a workshop on the above theme in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil on 10-13th March, 2015.
The workshop is being coordinated by Prof. Simone Fullagar and A/Prof. Ricardo Uvinha,...
Call for Papers: Olympic Legacies and Sustainable Urban Development
The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) is delighted to announce that the 2013 Annual International Conference will return to the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in London.
Location: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and Imperial College London
Dates: Wednesday 28 to Friday 30 August 2013 (with an opening event on Tuesday 27 August 2013)
Theme: New geographical frontiers
Conference chair: Jonathan Rigg (Durham University)
Please visit the conference homepage.
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