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    PhD Studentship Opportunity | Sport’s leadership and democracy, at the Inland School of Business and Social Sciences, Campus Lillehammer, Norway | Apply no later than March 7, 2024

    The PhD candidates will be a part of an international team of innovation researchers at INN University and integrated into the research group Lillehammer Olympic and Paralympic Studies Centre (LOSC). The project is part of the LOSC’s four-year plan, and the prospective PhD candidate would contribute to the teaching, researching, and networking within the research group. The predefined project is under the supervision of Svein Erik Nordhagen and Jörg Krieger.

    PhD studentship opportunity | Women in sport leadership | Apply no later than 17h00 (GMT) on January 19, 2024

    Successful applicants will join the SCDTP cohort of PhD studentships and benefit from a dedicated PhD training programme based upon a carefully designed development needs analysis that will enhance knowledge and skills even further. The SCDTP studentship provides a basic annual maintenance grant of £18,622 (2023/24 UKRI Rate) as well as access to a Research Training Support Grant. Moreover, a three-month research-in-practice opportunity with a relevant organisation is embedded as part of the studentship, meaning employability prospects are maximised.

    Disputas | Aspiring leaders at sport events: Perception and enactment of leadership av Annika Bodemar, Norges idrettshøgskole, 20 juni 2022

    Hvordan oppfatter og utøver aspirerende ledere på idrettsarrangementer ledelse? Dette er det overgripende spørsmålet Annika Bodemar stiller i sin doktorgradsavhandling. Avhandlingen er den første som undersøker unge (24–34 år) mellomlederes oppfatninger og utøvelse av ledelse på idrettsarrangement. Mer presist undersøker den former for organisering på idrettsarrangement på mikronivå med en kritisk tilnærming.

    Call for Applications | Women’s Sport Leadership Academy 2018 – Developing the next generation of sport’s leaders

    In June 2018, the fifth Women’s Sport Leadership Academy (WSLA) will bring together exceptional women, 18 from the UK and 18 from the rest of the world. WSLA provides a unique learning environment designed to further develop leadership competencies and support the women to become the next generation of outstanding sport’s leaders.

    Call for Applications | Women’s Sport Leadership Academy 2017

    In June 2017, the fourth Women’s Sport Leadership Academy (WSLA) will bring together exceptional women, 18 from the UK and 18 from the rest of the world. WSLA provides a unique learning environment designed to further develop leadership competencies and support the women to become the next generation of outstanding sport’s leaders.

    Andreas Stenling disputerar: Sports coaches’ interpersonal motivating styles: longitudinal associations, change, and multidimensionality

    Fredagen den 28 oktober kl 13:00 i Hörsal F, Humanisthuset, Umeå, försvarar Andreas Stenling sin avhandling om det motiverande ledarskapet – multidimensionalitet och longitudinella samband med idrottares motivation och välbefinnande. Disputationen genomförs på engelska: opponenten är Chris Lonsdale, Associate Professor vid Australian Catholic University i Strathfield, New South Wales.

    Call for Papers | “Sport Leadership: A New Generation of Thinking” | Special Issue of the Journal of Sport Management | Ends 2017-04-30

    “We consider there to be immediate relevance of a broader view of leadership for a special issue on sport leadership for the Journal of Sport Management. Most notably, a focus on informal/emergent leadership and followership would be valued alongside assigned leaders, in combination with the encouragement of leadership research at multiple levels.”

    Call for chapter proposals | Progress and stagnation of gender diversity in European sport leadership

    The purpose of the book is to bring together and to compare theoretical and empirical analyses of gendered leadership practices in sport governance and organizations in differing cultural contexts. Such a comprehensive analysis may broaden insights, expand current theorizing and enable new knowledges to emerge.
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